The TRIFECTA Chap 76 Surprise Reunion

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Sojira: [Screaming and sobbing] Kuro!!!!!

Dust went everywhere from the explosion. Sojira with no hesitation dove in it searching for Kuro.

Sojira: (Panicking) Kuro! Baby!? [Coughing] Where are you!? Please say something! [Trips and fall] Ack! (Shocked) Oh no, Kuro?

The dust slightly clears revealing Shiva face down.

Sojira: Shiva!

Shiva: [Unconscious]

Sojira: [Move her] Shiva are you....[Gasps]

Right underneath her is Kuro who is slightly hurt from the blast.

Kuro: Meow!

Sojira: [Snatch and hug tightly] (Relief) Oh my god, my baby! (Angry) You're so Fucken Grounded! Big time bud.

Kuro: [Smile] Meow.

Sojira: [Sobbing hugging] I can't mad at you.

Shiva: [Woke up] Shit, my back.

Shiva: Shiva! [Hug]

Shiva: [In pain] Ahhh! Get off of me got damnit!

Sojira: Sorry.

Shiva: [Sighs] We not outta the clear yet Sojira.

Sojira: ......I know.

The dust completely clears showing the Alatreon staring at them.

Alatreon: Pitiful. [Flamethrower]

Shiva: Oh, shit!

Sojira: [Crystalize wall]

Sojira continue to push the wall as the force of the flames also pushing it the opposite direction.

Sojira: [Struggling] I can't hold it!

Shiva: (Shocked)....[Trying to get up] No!

The wall is starting to break and it's getting harder for Sojira to keep pushing. The crystalized wall is heating up dramatically burning her hand.

Kuro: (Shocked) Meow!

Sojira: [Pushing] I'm not letting you kill anyone else! You're not killing Kuro!

Alatreon: [Stronger flamethrower]

Sojira: Ahhhh!

Shiva: Sojira!

The ice wall breaks and for a split second everyone appears to be covered in red flames till the Alatreon notice something in the distance.

Alatreon: [Continue flamethrower].....What's that? A blue light? (Shocked)

The blue light went closer till she realized what it is.

Alatreon: Fire! [Dodging]

Blue flames consume the Alatreon's fire forcing her to dodge out the way.

Alatreon: Smh, those flames. Those are his powers.

Sojira: [Breathing heavily] What was that? My....hands, there are on.....[Panicking] FIRE!!!! AHHHH!

Blue flame continue to be active covering Sojira's arms.

Shiva: Sojira! Stop!

Sojira: [Panicking] I can't stop! I don't know how!

Shiva: Just calm down and concentrate. Breath.

Sojira: [Calm down].......

Shiva: Is it hurting you? Can you turn it off?

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