The TRIFECTA Chap 20 Unforgettable Promise

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(Meanwhile in the Elder recess)

Yatsu: (Woke up) Ahhh! Huh?

Yatsu woke up sitting in one of the chairs in the lair. He look around and notice everyone is gone but, one person, Luna. She is wearing the Lunastra armor set with long dark blue hair. She also have white skin but, looking closer you can see a little shade of blue in it.

Luna: (Smiling) Ah, you awake. Here you must be thirsty.

Luna try to hand him a glass of cool drink.

Yatsu: I don't need anything from you!

Luna: It's just a cool drink, calm down.

Yatsu: Don't tell me to calm down!

Luna: Hey! We're not your enemy Yatsu. The others are outside. You should come and get some fresh air.

Yatsu: I'm fine right here!

Luna: (Sighs) Fine, I'll let you be alone. Let us know it you need anything.

Yatsu: Hmph!

Luna place the drink on the table and slide it towards Yatsu.

Luna: (Wave and leaves)

Yatsu: (Frustrated and yelling out of anger) Ahhhhh! WHAT THE HELL IM DOING HERE!?

Yatsu sat back a bit in the chair and that's when he hears something behind him.

Yatsu: Who there!? Huh? Oh, it's you.

Nesha: (Squeak)

Yatsu pet ..... went through the elder recess entrance to reach Yatsu.

Nesha jump on his shoulder and relax.

Yatsu: (Sighs) What the hell happened. I know I'm stronger than him so how? I didn't slack on my training either. (Pouting) Hmph! Hm?

Yatsu spot the wrap up item on the table and started walking towards it.

Yatsu: This what pissed off Sony. I never seen him mad before. (Remove cloth) What this? Spikes?

Yatsu took a closer look at it.

Yatsu: Wait, this is a Nergigante! Haven't seen those types of dragons yet.

Nesha: (Squeak)

Yatsu: Hmph. So Sony trusted someone who was a Nergigante. Very interesting but not my problem. My only goal is to kill him.

Yatsu walk out of the Teostra's lair and see Luna and Mielle making conversation.

Luna: Really!? An explosion in the Coral Highlands!?

Mielle: (Struggling to stay awake) Yea.. it happened a few years ago... That explosion woke me up....and I started to hear gunfire.

Luna: Did you check it out?

Mielle: (Sleeping while standing)

Luna: (Smiling) Hey! Mielle! (Snapping fingers) Earth to Mielle!

Mielle: (Woke up) Huh? Aw, I went to sleep again.

Luna: (Giggles) .......Hm? Oh Yatsu you finally made it outside.

Yatsu: (Stared)

Luna: Mielle I'll be right back. Oh and keep singing that song to help you stay awake.

Mielle: Aw but, I don't want too.

Luna: Mielle.

Mielle: Ugh, fine.
Luna: (Smiling while leaving)

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