The TRIFECTA Chap 24 The Old Apartments

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(2 Days later)

Lyra and Gundam been traveling to the rotten veil for about two days while camping in certain locations. They managed to make it to the entrance of the rotten veil.

Lyra: (Holding nose) Ugh! This whole place smells like shit!

Without Lyra knowing, Gundam place a mask on her face.

Lyra: (Angry) Hey! What the fuck!? Take this ugly ass shit off of me!

Gundam: (Puts on mask) It will help you breathe in this area. Now follow.

Lyra: (Mumbling) I rather die than wear this crap.

Gundam: (Sighs) Stop fussing, more following please.

Lyra: Hmph!

Both of them been walking for an extra 15 minutes until Lyra notice a of Girros corpses not far from her.

Lyra: What happened to them?

Gundam: It's a place where monster comes to die. Don't be surprised seeing something like that cause you going to see that a lot.

Lyra: (Curious) But it's body looks like it been drained.

Lyra walk towards it to take a closer look.

Gundam: Hey! Where you going!?

Lyra: (Shocked) It's just skin and bones.

Gundam: Lyra this place isn't safe you know?

Lyra: Whatever comes my way I'm sure I can handle it Gundam. I just wanted to.... Huh?

Lyra spotted a man in hooded black robes limping towards them.

???: Help me. Help me please.

Lyra: (Stare) Agh! (Headache)

Multiple Voices: Run! Dangerous! He going to kill you. It's a trap.

Lyra: (Worried)

Gundam: (Talking quietly) Lyra come here. We need to leave.

Lyra: (Stare) ..... Yeah, let's go.

Lyra and Gundam walk away from the corpses of Girros and the robed man to continue their path.

Gundam: (Walking away) I don't know you was going to try to help him or not, but it will be best to not mess with people here. There murders in this area as well and people can easily get killed by the simplest mistake.

Lyra: (Walking away) I wasn't. I have a bad feeling about that guy anyway.

While they distance away from him the robed man take off his hood.

Za: (Disappointed) Aw, what a shame. I thought I was getting lucky for a bit. Hehe, I'll see them again. (Walks away)

(30 minutes later)

Lyra: (Angry and yelling) Are we there yet!? I feel like we been walking for hours!

Gundam: Stop complaining. We almost there.

Lyra: (Angry) What is almost there means to you!?

Gundam: Means we're here.

Lyra: Huh!?

Lyra looks around and see nothing but a wall of moldy green slim right in front of her.

Lyra: What the fuck!?

Gundam: Welp what are you waiting for?

Lyra: I don't see Moxy nowhere!

Gundam: We are going to see her tomorrow but today we are going to camp in there.

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