The TRIFECTA Chap 13 Hello Kulu-ya-ku

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(Meanwhile in the ancient forest)

Deep within the forest there a Kulu-ya-ku looking for food. It's was searching high and low but, still can't find anything. It was able to fine a small nest but it was nothing just egg shells.

Kulu-ya-ku: Kaw?

The monster went on the search to it's old spots to fine more eggs but notice that all the location that it mark for food have already been gone.

Kulu-ya-ku: Kaw! (Stomach growls)

The Kulu-ya-ku is starting to get desperate, untill it heard noises coming not far from itself. The Kulu-ya-ku dashing at full sprint to see what's going on. Then it spotted a person holding an egg.

Kulu-ya-ku: (Angry)

The Kulu-ya-ku charge the person with the most killing intense.

Jay: I wonder if Bloodedge would be amaze at me grabbing a fresh egg from a Rathian. Uh?

Kulu-ya-ku: Kaww!!!

The Kulu-ya-ku smack Jay on the ground with its tail and repeatedly pecking him in the back.

Jay: Ahh!!! Get off of me!

The Kulu-ya-ku grab him by the leg with its beak and started dragging him.

Jay: Bloodedge help!

Kulu-ya-ku: Kaw!!! (Angry)

Jay who was still holding the egg, place it in front of him as a shield. That's stop the Kulu-ya-ku assault.

Jay: Oh I see now. You want this egg huh?
Then no! You can't have it, and you can't hurt me cause you might break the.... Ahhhh! My legs!

The Kulu-ya-ku furiously pecking Jay legs.

Jay: (Screaming in pain) STOP! STOP! STOP IT!

Aj: (Sighs) Jay seriously.

Jay: Hey you here, now help me!

Aj: Why?

Jay: Why?! What do you mean why!? I'm being attack!

Aj: You talking to me like it's my problem. I have nothing to do with that.

Jay: You need me so you can get to the Coral Highlands. If I'm dead it's impossible for you.

Aj: (Fake Laughing) You really believe that I need you? I could just get the map that's literally in your pocket to the location or I could just wait till that bird kills you then grab it.

Jay: Come on stop playing around!

Aj: You see me having fun, no. I'm just watching nothing but sadness.

Jay: Ahhh!! Back off you fucken bird!

Kulu-ya-ku: Rauww!

Kulu-ya-ku notice Aj and began running at him. The monster tried to peck Aj with multiple attacks but he manage to easily dodge all of its attacks. The Kulu-ya-ku swings it's tail and Aj jump over it. Then that's when he pull out a long sword from his back slicing downward at the Kulu-ya-ku face staggering it.

Kulu-ya-ku: (Cries)

Aj: Jay, there no reason for you to be struggling to this creature. You a bounty hunter for fuck sake.

Jay: It caught me off guard and I was holding this egg.

Aj: Um why?

Jay: To eat duh.

Aj: Jay your goal was to look for fish not eggs!

Jay: Don't be so picky! It was hard to get this!

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