The TRIFECTA Chap 16 Training and Relaxation

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Mew: (Woke up) Hm? Oh? I didn't even know that I was sleeping. Hm?

Sojira who was right next to Mew on the couch started shaking and looks stressed out while she mumbling to herself.

Sojira: (Sleep talking) Get away. Get away from me. Please!

Mew: ..... Sojira?

While laying side by side Mew grab her shoulder and slightly shaking Sojira.

Mew: (Shaking Sojira) Hey Sojira wake up. You're having a nightmare.

Sojira: (Sleep talking and tearing up) Stop please you killing me. I can't breathe.

Mew: (Concern) ..... Sojira.

Without thinking Mew place her hand on Sojira face gently rubbing her thumb on the freckles of her face.

Mew: (Smiles) Don't be scared Sojira. I'm here and you're safe.

Sojira started to calm down and started sleeping soundly.

Sojira: (Sleeping while blushing) Hmm Mew.

Mew: (Blushing) .....(Stared) Hm?

Mew noticed that both of them are wearing bandages on their bodies.

Mew: Did Ms. Greatness put these on us? I wonder if she made it back ......(Scared) home?

Mew turns around slowly.

Shiva: (Intense stare in Mew's personal space)

Mew: (Scared) Um hey.

Shiva: Hmphhhhh!

Mew: (Scared)

Shiva: (Sighs) Slept well?

Mew: Yeah, my body feels.....

Shiva: 2 broken ribs, right broken collar bone, torn muscle on the right leg, hit by multiple arrows, and reopen your wounds from previous battles.

Mew: Hm seems right.

Shiva: You slept for 13 hours straight. You hungry?

Mew: (Shaking head)

Shiva: Then that the case I'm going to asked you some questions about what happened. Joshua told me most of it.

Mew: .....

Shiva: I went straight to him first and basically force the answer out of him.

Mew: (Nervous) I'm sorry it was.....

Shiva: That guy you two was fighting, you know him?

Mew: I have no idea who he is. All I know is that he wants Sojira dead. I refuse to let that happen.

Shiva: (Smirk) Hm.

Mew: He's pretty strong but I'll get stronger! I just need more time!

Shiva: Those arrows, did he aim it at you personally?

Mew: Nah he was targeting Sojira only, I was just covering her everytime he fired it. What about it?

Shiva: One direct hit on Sojira would of killed her. Those arrows been infused with dragon blight. Compare to those arrows you took, that guy was trying pretty hard to take her down.

Mew: Hm.

Shiva: (Smiles) Thanks a bunch kid. You've done great.

Mew: Really? (Smiles) Hehe. I try my best.

Shiva: Soooo.

Mew: So what?

Shiva: How long you both been dating?

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