The TRIFECTA Chap 60 Deep Rooted Madness

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   ---Wake the f up samurai by Brian Delgado---

Z-Aj: [Fukyo]

R-Shiva: [Extreme speed]

Leshen: Hmph.


Aj went to the right and Shiva went to the left as they both swing there weapon upon Leshen. Leshen stop both of there attacks easily with his arms then grab Shiva and punch her far into the woods.

Z-Aj: Shiva! [Dodge]


Leshen: Don't worry about her. Your fight is with me now. [Extended arms]

Z-Aj: (Shocked) [Continue dodging and running]

The Leshen's arm extended with high speed trying to grab Aj, then the arms multiply till there was about 20 of them going for Aj.

Leshen: You can't keep running Aj. I can do this all day.

Z-Aj: [Multiple slashes]

Leshen: Hm, stubborn. Now take this!

[Ground shaking]

Z-Aj: (Confused)

Seconds later a large tree blast out of the ground right underneath Aj. Aj tries jumping away but vines with thorns grab him by the foot and slam him in the ground with devastating force.

Z-Aj: [Trying to get up]

Leshen: [Splinter shower]

Splinter shower is one of Leshen moves. It levitate small pieces of pointing wood then send it flying towards his targets. It's almost near impossible to escape without taking damage. Aj was hit directly with the full force of Leshen's splinter shower. He been impaled by 47 of the wood pieces.

Z-Aj: [In pain] Damn, that actually hurts.

Leshen: You can't stop me. We're basically the same you and I. The only difference is that I'm better.

Z-Aj: [Fukyo]


Aj completely decapitate the Leshen head making it hit the ground.

Z-Aj: Yeah! See what happens when you talk shit!?

Leshen: No, I don't even know what's changed.

Z-Aj: (Shocked) How you still.....

Leshen: [Kick]

Aj was sent ragdoll into another tree by the Leshen body.

Leshen: [Grab head] You always been useless.

R-Shiva: [Pop from the ground] Sneak attack!!! [Chop]

Leshen wasn't even slightly faze by that attack.

Leshen: Hmph. [Punch]

R-Shiva: Ahhh! [In pain]

He downward punch Shiva straight to the ground and after Shiva tried to rip his wooden leg apart with her teeth.

Leshen: [Punch her off] No matter how much you tried. You can't kill me.

Z-Aj: Heh, If it breaths.....


Z-Aj: Ouch.

Leshen drop a large tree on Aj preventing him from moving.

Leshen: [Created wood axe] Off with thy head!

Leshen swing downward at Aj but was blocked by Shiva's great sword.

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