THE TRIFECTA Chap 4 Bonds between Hunters and Steel RW.

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Shiva been spending more time with Sojira. She notice that Sojira started to speak more and more fluid. Then she noticed that it not just her speech but the strength of her powers increase as well.

Shiva: Alright then time to set up Sojira, he'll be coming any second.

Shiva pick up Sojira and pointed her butt towards the tree waiting for a special someone.

Shiva: Ha ha I see him, READY AIM.

Spike: Hey Shiva I got more baby food for Sojira! Uh? Where everybody go?

Shiva: FIRE!!!

Immediately an ice shard hit the tree, nearly miss Spike's head.

Spike: Ahhhh! The hell was that?!

Shiva: Sojira butt sickles (Squeeze)

Sojira: (Giggles)

Multiple ice shards projectile aiming for Spike.

Spike: Stop! The hell you doing?

Shiva: Heh heh heh. Rapid fire. (Repeatedly squeezing)

Spike: Why are there so many of them?!

Shiva: Ha ha haaaa, you can't stop my ultimate weapon of mass destruction.....Uh?

Sojira: (Sleeping)

Shiva: (Smiles) Heh, sleep tight now.

Spike: Are you done trying to kill me now!

Shiva: Aw come on it's was funny.

Spike: (Sighs) Whatever. Here the baby food by the way.

Shiva: Aw thanks Spike, it's must have been weird gathering all these things in the shop.

Spike: You don't know the half of it.

Shiva place Sojira in a tent she made for her and place the food aside for her later.

Spike: I didn't even know you made that for her.

Shiva: Yeah I didn't want her to sleep on the ground so I built this little tent for her. She loves it to. It like her little safe bubble.

Spike: I know you like taking care of her but you know what's coming up do you?

Shiva: The Formal challenge. Where kids can earn their Hunter weapons and become hunters.

Spike: That's right! So have you been training lately?

Shiva: I been training, just not as much like I used too.

Spike: (Sighs)

Shiva: Fine I get it. I'll take it more seriously.

Spike: Alright then I'll see i you again in a week Shiva. You think Sojira will be ok on her own while you doing the challenge?

Shiva: Yeah she a tough girl.

Spike: (Nods)

Spike leaving Shiva in the forest to prepare himself for the event an a week.

Shiva: (Encourage self) Alright I got this. Let's get started.

For that whole week, Shiva been training non-stop for the event. She push herself to the limit knowing that this will be the biggest change of her life. While she training she wondered what hunter weapon she wanted. Then she thought of it. She decided a weapon to protect others around her.

Now the time has come for the Formal challenge. Shiva, Spike, and Jamal went to the event with their parents. Shiva trembled of all the audience in this event.

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