The TRIFECTA Chap 28 Lyra's purpose

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Multiple Voices: Rosey. It's time to get up Rosey. Don't panic. She gonna totally panic.

Lyra: (Woke up with an headache) Agh, shut the hell up already. Huh?

Excalibur: (Stare while on her leg) .........

Lyra: (Screaming) AHHHHHHH! (Gross out) Get off of me!

Lyra managed to kick Excalibur towards the wall.

Excalibur: (Angry) (Buzzing)

Lyra: (Grab Nutcracker) Back off you little shit!

Excalibur: (Flies away in the living room)

Lyra: (Wipe clothes) Ew, ew, ew. Ouch! Hm?

Lyra look at her hand and notice her hand is wrapped up in cloth and bandages.

Lyra: Who did .......! Him! (Grab heavy bowgun)

Lyra smash through her door with the heavy bowgun looking for the guy she seen yesterday.

Lyra: (Yelling) Show yourself!!!

Joshua: Right here.

Lyra: (Surprised) Huh!?

Joshua sitting down on a couch eating pancakes.

Joshua: (Smiling) These pancakes are pretty good. Want some? Oh and I see that Excalibur finish healing your leg all the way. That's good I was a bit.....

Lyra: (Safety off)

Joshua: (Nervous) Um, you know you at your place right?

Lyra: (Starting wyvern heart)

Joshua: (Scared) Hey now just relax. You not gonna fired that bowgun in your own........

Lyra: (Fire wyvern heart while screaming) AHHHHHHHHH!

Joshua: (Screaming while dodging bullets) Ahhhhhhhh!

Bullets send sparks all over the place almost completely destroyed her own home while Joshua ducking behind walls and taking cover from different places.

(Click, click)

Lyra: Damn! All out.

Joshua: (Underneath table) What the hell was that for!? Huh? (Dodge) Wahhhh!


Lyra: (Swinging Nutcracker) Come back here!

Joshua: (Running) Why you attacking me!?

Lyra: (Chasing) What have you done to me while I was unconscious!?

Joshua: What!? Nothing of course! I promise!

Lyra: (Yelling) Liar!!!!!!

Joshua managed to find a hiding spot and hid there in the closet.

Lyra: (Smash door in) Where are you bitch!

Lyra look carefully but couldn't find him.

Joshua: (Loosing grip on the ceiling) No, no, no, no....(Falls)

Lyra: Huh? (Looks up) Found you, you....


Lyra: (Angry) Agh! Get off of me!

Joshua: Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to... (Got punch) Ouch! Stop punching me!

Upon falling on top of Lyra he began trying to snatch the hammer away from her so she won't use it on him.

Lyra: (Yelling while fighting over the Nutcracker) LET GOOOOO!

Joshua: Hey Excalibur! A little help please! ..... Huh? What the?

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