The TRIFECTA Chap 64 Mielle vs Sojira

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The sun went down yet again as the stars fill the sky and the moon shines bright as the sun. Sojira wakes up from the moonlight shining down her face.

Sojira: [Woke up] Hmn, Mielle?

Sojira look around the cave and notice Mielle is nowhere to be found.

Sojira: [Stands up] Mielle?

Sojira poke her head to see if she's outside.

Sojira: Nothing. Where she went off to?

Sojira decided to walk out and slowly make her way down the hill of the mountain.

Sojira: [Walking] Mielle! You there!? [Sighs] Don't make me worry.

Minutes have passed as Sojira still can't find Mielle. She continues to call out her name till she realizes the air is starting to feel heavier making it hard to breathe.

Sojira: (Angry) This feeling again. [Transformation, Static Burst].....[Godspeed]

Sojira dash out of thin air and reappear behind someone.

SB-Sojira: [Stare] Think you can hid from me lady!?

Celestia: You move faster in such short time. Impressive. You'll probably match the speed of an actual god.

SB-Sojira: (Angry) Tell me who you are right now! Why are you following me!?

Celestia: I see now. Maybe I was mistaken. He sees something in you that I miss. Only till it happens then I'll will see your truth. [Leaving]

SB-Sojira: [Dash] You not going nowhere! [Grab]

As soon as her hand grab her, Celestia body turns to mist and faded into the air.

SB-Sojira: (Shocked) What the hell is going on? [Transform back]

Sojira continue to wandered around area still looking for Mielle till she spot a person alone with it's back turn sitting on a stone surrounded by a rocky terrain.

Sojira: Hello?.....[Look closely] Mielle? (Shocked) Mielle! [Running]

Sojira run towards and tap her on the back.

Sojira: Mielle, you're alright?


Sojira: [In pain] Agh!

Sojira jump back from the surprised attack from Mielle.

Sojira: Mielle? (Shocked)

Before she even realize it, an arrow was heading straight for her. The arrow was only inches to her face as Sojira transform into her Static Burst state to shift to the side and dodge it. When the arrow made contact to the wall it exploded into a large mass of energy.

SB-Sojira: (Shocked) {That could have kill me.} Mielle! What are you doing!?

SS-MIelle: [Slowly open eyes]

Mielle open her eyes only for a tiny centimeters just for them to make eye contact.

SB-Sojira: Mielle!?

SS-MIelle: [Aim bow]

SB-Sojira: Mielle stop! Wake up!

SS-MIelle: [Fired arrows]

Sojira dodge a barrage of arrows as she circle around Mielle. As the arrows land they give off a discharge making them explode near Sojira. She can't afford to mess up cause if one of those arrows hit meaning guarantee death.

SB-Sojira: Damnit she's asleep. I gotta do something to wake her up before she actually kills me.


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