The TRIFECTA Chap 63 Static Burst

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Mielle: [Sleeping]

Sojira: [Stare] {It's midnight now it's time for her to wake up. [Poke]

Mielle: [Sleeping] Hmn, five more minutes.

Sojira: [Sighs] I knew this would happen. [Sit down]

Sojira sit calmly near a wall look out the hole of the cave. She stare at the full moon as the moonlight shine down her face. She stared at her hands trying to release electricity from her fingertips to no avail. She tried a few times and continue till she managed to make a small surge of electricity coming from both her index fingers.

Sojira: [Smile] Little progress but still progress. She continues until someone caught her eye down the bottom of the mountain.

Sojira: [Stare closely] Who's that?

She poke her head out the hole from up the mountain just to get a better view.

Sojira: Hmn, looks familiar......wait I've seen her before.

Sojira spot a woman with a silk white dress wearing a blindfold and barefoot. She calmly walk along a straight path towards a small river going downhill.

Sojira: That can't be her. The same woman from the beach.

Celestia: [Walking]

She stop at the stream and started drinking water from it.

Sojira: Hm. [Jumps out]

Sojira jumps out of the hole and began sliding downward towards the bottom. At the same time Celestia finish drinking and walk off.

Sojira: [Sliding] Oh no, she getting away. [Yelling] Hey! Stop!

Celestia: [Continue walking]

Sojira: Damnit I know she heard me.

Sojira reach the bottom and dash towards Celestia. Celestia turned left out of view from Sojira as she continue to run closer towards her. Sojira made it to the river and started looking around the area.

Sojira: [Looking around] Where is she? I only lost her for a second. There's no way she could have gone far. [Feeling cold] (Shocked) Shit, this feeling. It's the same feeling like last time.

She started to shivers as she can now able to see her breath. All the plants and lifeform around Sojira instantly frozen from the cold.

Sojira: [Freezing] What going on? I feel......

Sojira drops to the ground uncontrollably shivering. Her eyes started to faint till she see the same woman appear right in front of her but instead of facing at Sojira her attention turns to the moon.

Sojira: [Freezing] Who.....what are you?

Celestia: So blinded.

Sojira: (Confused) Wh...what?

Celestia: Your Truth. It's so foggy. You run for improvement but this won't change anything. What's done is already done. [Walk away]

Sojira: (Angry) What are you talking about? Hey come back h.....(Unconscious)

Sojira past out from the cold as she heard her name being yelled at from a distance.

[12 minutes later]

Sojira: [Slowly wakes up] Hm?

Mielle: (Shocked) [Hug]

Sojira: (Confused) [Blushing] Um hey?

Mielle: [Worry] I was so worried about you! What happened!?

Sojira: [In pain] I was chasing a woman. She's um...Agh, my head.

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