The TRIFECTA Chap 69 Power isn't everything

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Goku: Why are you here with her Mielle?

Mielle: Goku, you need to understand Sony betrayed us.

Goku: Just like you doing now?

Mielle: I'm not, I'm just taking her to her mother.

Goku: Her mother here? In the dragon recess? Ha! Don't make me laugh. Why on earth would she be here?

Mielle: Um....[Stare]

Sojira: She's here, for sure.

Mielle: Right, I trust her.

Goku: Of course you trust a stranger then your own family. You always been a traitor.

Mielle: I said I'm not.

Goku: Mielle, I know your little plan with Luna.

Mielle: (Shocked)

Goku: You think I wouldn't notice? You two running away together in wonderland living happily ever after. Too bad that won't happen for you.

Mielle: (Sad) Luna.

Sojira: (Angry)

Goku: You've both been planning this for awhile but I caught up what you been doing. You are a disgrace to everyone else y'know that? A pitiful worthless woman that put herself before others.

Mielle: (Angry) That's not true! I know if I told you all you won't listen or go through it. Luna was the only person I know that would go with me. This whole area is just a warzone.

Goku: And what's wrong with that? That what we live for. War, surviving, and strive to greatness. That's all we are.

Mielle: N-no, that's a life I don't want to live in.

Goku: (Angry) So what now?

Mielle: Just like I said, I'm helping Sojira get to her mother.

Goku: Hmn, let's say it's true and she meets her mother, what are you going to do now? Luna gone, and Sony might still have some used for her.

Mielle: ......

Goku: You know I can't let Emily's daughter escape from here right?

Mielle: Sorry, but I need her. She's ........complete me. She my friend.

Sojira: (Shocked) Mielle. [Smile]

Mielle: She really need to see her mother. Hopefully she'll get the answers she needs.

Goku: [Sighs] So sad. You definitely not an elder dragon in my book. And to think Sony was a little afraid of you back then. [Laughing] So stupid. It should be me that brings fear into others.

Mielle: Excuse me?

Goku: I'm going to show you what fear is Mielle.

Sojira: (Angry) You not going to lay a hand on her.

Goku: Shut up! No one's talking to you!

Mielle: (Angry) Hey, don't talk to her like that.

Goku: Huh? What's this? Is there a spine in you after all? You gotten a little bold after Luna's death. Especially how much of a coward she was.

Mielle: (Angry) What you say!?

Goku: She always solve your problems. [Smile] Now she's gone and it's all your.....

Lyra: [Fired shot]

Goku: (Angry) ......

Lyra shot a normal ammo straight into his face. Goku heals it up but grow very angry from it.

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