The TRIFECTA Chap 56 Slumber Queen

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Sojira is now fully awake from getting hit in the face with fish.

Sojira: [Wipe face] I see you look ok.

Mielle: Well, not really. My body still hurting but I'm fighting through the pain. Can't go through life without a little pain and food.

Sojira: I guess. [Stare]

Sojira sees Mielle holding her stomach while cooking.

Sojira: If you not feeling well you should rest.

Mielle: Trust me, I've been getting my sleep in. It won't be long before I go back into my slumber self. It's best to cook now before that happens. You eat fish?

Sojira: [Nods]

Mielle: Good, I'll try to find a way to repay you as well. Humans don't always like my fish money.

Sojira: You pay people in fish?

Mielle: [Scratch head] I was supposed to teach them how to fish as a reward.

Sojira: How's that payment?

Mielle: Give a man a fish you fed him for a day, teach a man to fish you fed him for life.

Sojira: Interesting way to put it but have you taught anyone?

Mielle: I was too tired most of the time so I chose the ladder.

While still in pain she managed to fix two plates and sat next to Sojira on the wall.

Mielle: [Smile] Here you go, eat.

Sojira: ......[Stare at hand]

Mielle: What's wrong?

Sojira: Nothing.

Mielle: Hmph [Move closer] ......

Sojira: [Uncomfortable] Um hello? What are you doing?

Mielle: Are those horns real?

Sojira: Yeah.

Mielle: You a elder dragon?

Sojira: Half of one I think.

Mielle: You are......a Fatalis?

Sojira: No, im related to an Alatreon base off of mine abilities.

Mielle: That can't be right, i know only one Alatreon and that's......[Stare]

Sojira: (Confused)

Mielle: (Shocked) No,no,no,no,no,Ooooo.

Sojira: Hey, you ok?

Mielle: You're, you're Emily's child!?

Sojira: Um, yeah?

Mielle: [Freaking out] Ahhhhh! This is bad! Sony is looking all over for you and he......

Sojira: I wouldn't go nuts about that. He don't care.

Mielle: ........Huh?

Sojira: Everything he did wasn't for my powers. He did all that cause he's a savage monster and that monster need to be put down for taking someone special from me.

Mielle: ......Hm. I use to be mad and wanted to kill a hunter a bit ago but I realized that's not the answer. I almost gotten myself killed by doing that and at that moment when I was bleeding out in this cave I was thinking to myself what would she would want. She would want me to live. She told me personally that I shouldn't get blood on my hands cause that's not me. I'm not a killer like everyone else.

Sojira: Why telling me this? You think it's best for me to just let it go? That I don't have what it takes to stop him?

Mielle: Hmm, you look like you just wanted to kill yourself. I know that look more than anything when I lost her.

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