The TRIFECTA Chap 72 Willpower Unleashed

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Shiva: Sojira, you here?

Aj: Carful, this could just be another trick.

Sojira: I could say the same thing to you three.

Shiva: No, she's the real deal. My nose haven't failed me yet. Plus I never seen her before.

Mielle: [On guard] Hmph.

Aj: I agree, I never recognize her. What about you Preston?

Preston: Haven't seen her before either.

Aj: So it's Shiva's sister in the flesh. Guess you don't have to worry about her being dead anymore.

Shiva: I'm very relieved. [Walking] Sojira, let's go back and.....

Sojira: No.

Shiva: (Shocked)

Sojira: We did this before and nothing didn't change Shiva. I don't know why you're hear but I'm going to find my mother no matter what. I don't care how dangerous it is. I need to know my real family.

Shiva: You looking at her.

Sojira: Shiva, you know what I mean.

Shiva: ......

Sojira: If I don't do this I'm going to regret this for the rest of my life. Please, Shiva understand. There some things I need answered.

Shiva: Then I'll do it. I'll get the info you need and you don't have to risk yourself any danger.

Sojira: I want to see her too Shiva. Why are you so against this? You should be happy that I finally get to meet my family Shiva.

Shiva: ......Things are......[Struggling]

Aj: [Stare]

Shiva: It's complicated.

Sojira: That's it? It's complicated? How is it.....(Shocked) What the?

Sojira just realized the area she in.

Sojira: What is this place?

Mielle: Feels weird. It's like I been here before.

Sojira: Um, don't think too much about it.

Aj: Hey Shiva, can I talk to you a bit?

Shiva: Hm? Why?

Aj: [Pull her] Just for a second.

Shiva: (Confused) Uh-okay.

Sojira: [Stare]

Shiva and Aj walk off a bit just enough that no one can hear them.

Aj: Alright look, I know you're going through a fuck up situation with your own family but you both are going through the same thing. Meeting her mom will definitely help her as well as you. Why not go together and deal with this together?

Shiva: Curiosity kills the cat but knowing the truth can turn a cat mad.

Aj: Hm?

Shiva: If what that Fatalis say is true that means my mom abandoned my clan and was one of them the whole time. She probably set us up for all I know.

Aj: Yeah, but.....

Shiva: I too want answers but I'm also trying to keep it together in my mind. Just a few hours ago I love my mom and dad, now I just want to beat my mother till there's nothing but a puddle of blood.

Aj: (Shocked) Um...

Shiva: I don't want her to end up like me or worse you.

Aj: Hey! He killed my mother I'm justified!

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