The TRIFECTA Chap 12 Mew the Vigilante Protector

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After Sojira heals some of Shiva wounds she went back to bed.

Sojira: (Who the hell could have done this to her? This my first time ever seeing her get hurt like this. And I know she won't tell me nothing either) Annoying. (Sleeping)


Sojira: Huh? Where am I?

Sojira started walking in a endless path that have no destination. When she look around its nothing but a white void that you can see miles away from where she at. She keep on the path and later on she able the see something in the distance.

Sojira: Hm? Is that a person? Wait?!

Sojira starring at a girl that's laying down on the ground in a pool of blood.

Sojira: (Nervous and scared)

Sojira walks closer towards her till she noticed the light blue hair.

Sojira: Mew? Mew!

Sojira began dashing towards her and when she did she sits up Mew with her arms. Sojira doesn't know where this blood coming from.

Sojira: (Scared) Hey Mew get up! Hey! Please get up.

Mew slowly opens up her eyes and force out a little smile. Sojira notice that she doesn't have no color in her eyes, it's was completely gray.

Sojira: Mew just be still I can help you stop the bleeding I just need to know where to stop it.

Mew: (Struggling speaking) Look at you now, worried about me. I've never seen that coming heh.

Sojira: Mew answer me where are you hurting?

Mew grab Sojira hand and place it at her heart.

Mew: (Struggling speaking) Here.

Sojira: ....... Mew?

Mew: (Giggles) Your hands are surprisingly  warm. (Close eyes)

Sojira: (Woke) MEW! (Shocked)

Sojira jumps out of bed.

Sojira: (Breathing heavily) Just a dream.

Richie: Meow?

Sojira: Hm? Where did you come from?

Sojira felt a gust of wind near the broken window.

Sojira: Oh right. So you manage to jump that high too huh.

Richie: (Smile) Meow.

Sojira: (Sighs) Since she not going to fix it I guess I'll will.

Sojira got up from bed and started using her ice ability to form a window. It took about ten minutes to finish but it's perfect how she wanted.

Sojira: Hmm. I wonder if it's best to fortified it just in case I have another Shiva episode. Nah, something like that probably won't happen again. Is she still even here?

Sojira about to open her door to check on Shiva but then......


Sojira: (Shocked)

That noise coming from a rock that smash through the window.

Sojira: (Angry)

Sojira stuck her head out the window and immediately yelled at two neighbours that was close. Bacon a big fella and Juice a house wife.

Sojira: WHO DID THIS!!!

Bacon: .......


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