The TRIFECTA Chap 37 Za and the Man of Darkness

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Lyra: (Confused while on the ground) You look different now. Am I dead?

Biscuit: Listen and remember what I said! You are the only that's doing this!

Lyra: (Confused) .....What? (Angry) What the hell are talking about! I'm tired of this confusing bull shit!

In the background Axel was throwing Joshua around with the clutch claw and notice Lyra talking to no one.

Axel: That little girl lost her damn mind. There's no one near her. Oh well, I'll finish him off then get to her later.

Joshua: (Struggling to get loose) Lyra!

Biscuit: There's a difference between my voice and the ones in your own head.

Lyra: Those voices help me through all this!

Biscuit: That one voice that was telling you what to do was me. I've been with you the whole time. Refuse to past on till you get it together. Those voices you call it are not them. It's just coming from your broken mind from all the horrible things you went through. Going through all the bad memories from that Doctor. Believing that everything that monster did is your fault but it's not.

Lyra: (Angry and yelling) Them what are you? Another fuck up memory of my past. Are you trying to torture me? Torture me cause I couldn't save anyone around me!? (Tearing up) Couldn't save my own best friend?

Biscuit: There's nothing you could have done. So don't blame yourself for something that can't be helped. I was sick.

Lyra: (Crying) And even through all that sickness, you save me. Having a will to fight that's what makes you strong.

Biscuit: What's makes me strong is protect those who are important to me. Protecting you cause I know you can change the world.

Lyra: Heh, still on about that? If only I can go back to the past. If only.

Biscuit: (Smile) You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.

Lyra: (Shocked)

Biscuit: And your start now is to get outta here with Joshua.

Lyra: Joshua. (Stare)

Joshua shown still getting fling around by Axel.

Lyra: (Sighs) You right. (Grab potion)

Biscuit: Hey, what are you doing!?

Lyra: I going to put an end to this.

Biscuit: But!

Lyra: Biscuit can you watch my back?

Biscuit: ......

Lyra: Please.

Biscuit: Just don't do anything unnecessary.

Lyra: Thanks. (Drinks half) Agh! This shit is so bitter!

Biscuit: Lyra, you ok?

Lyra: (Shaking a bit) Nope.

Biscuit: I can see that.

Meanwhile Axel tried to finish Joshua off by slamming him headfirst in the ground.

Axel: Goodbye fellow prince.

Joshua: Shit!

Axel: Hahaha!


Axel: (Confused) Huh? What the hell was that? A bullet? Wait, where's that little....


Axel was punch in the back of his head in the opposite direction where he was looking. She jumps on his back and place her arm around his neck choking him.

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