The TRIFECTA Chap 8 A New Life

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After Shiva escape Formal village with Sojira, she began following the map that lead to the ancient forest. She believes that the ancient forest shouldn't be that far from Formal village but little does she know, the path the ancient forest has large numbers of monsters and just getting to the ancient forest will be more than hundreds of miles away. Shiva is familiar with the wildlife eating and feeding Sojira berries and small monster but she never expect this journey will be this long.

Shiva: Damn Dad, I know you said the walk will be long but jeez this is insane. (Sigh) I need to stop complaining. I just need to keep pushing forward no matter how much pain I have to go through.

Seconds later Shiva remember all the good times she had with her Mom and Dad. That made her chest completely hurt which made her force back in reality that they both gone forever. The home she once lived in had been destroyed. She don't even know if Jamal and Spike made it out alive.

Shiva: Wha... what's going on? I can't! I can't breathe! My chest tightening like crazy.

What Shiva didn't know is that she is having a panic attack. Shiva drop to her knees breathing heavily.

Shiva: I can't do this. Im all by myself. How the hell can I do this without dying? (Crying) Why!? Why you have to leave me?!


Shiva: Ouch! Huh?

Sojira who was on Shiva's back headbutt Shiva in the back of her head.

Sojira: Big sister Shiva you scary me. Please stop.

Shiva: .....

Shiva stood up and wipe the tears from her face.

Shiva: Heh heh sorry about that I thought that expression would make you laugh.

Sojira: ....You lying.

Shiva: You don't know that.

Sojira: You suck at lying.

Shiva: Hm.

Sojira: And you suck at telling the truth.

Shiva: .....

Sojira: So I don't really know just a hunch.

Shiva: Heh you are something else aren't you?

Sojira: (Laughing) Well I learned from you time to time.

Shiva: (Smiles)

Hours turn to days and days turn to weeks until it's been a few months. Shiva and Sojira both adapt to the environment of the forest.

Shiva: All done!

Shiva cooks some food for Sojira.

Sojira: (Eating)

Shiva: So how is it? Is it to your liking?

Sojira: ......

Shiva: Um? Sojira?

Sojira: Waaaaa! (Crying)

Shiva: What the hell? You saying my cooking is bad!?

Sojira: Wwwwaaaaaaa! (Screaming)

Shiva: Alright brat.

More and more time has past but they know they closer to their destination.

Shiva: The trees and plants are different than before. Mm. Oh wow we pretty close.
The map shows it. Ha haaaa almost there Sojira. Sojira?

Sojira: (Hungry) Hm, food.

Shiva: Huh? Why you still hungry? We just ate 3 hours ago. Unless. Sojira have you been hiding your food?

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