The TRIFECTA Chap 54 Life Saver

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[2 hours before sunset]

The Nergigante continue flying in the air heading towards an unknown location. The Nergigante been airborne for a total of 6 straight hours after the ice pillar got destroy. Right now, it's at the same time that Shiva and Aj decided to take their break from walking.

Nergigante: [Flying] .....

Sojira: [Slowly waking up] Hm? (Shocked)

Sojira just noticed that she can't move realizing that she's in the claws of the Nergigante itself. The Nergigante didn't notice her waking up while continuing it's path. Sojira looks around but sees nothing but the clouds underneath her.

Sojira: {Why's it up this high? I can't even tell where I'm at.} (Shocked and remembered)

At that second she remembers everything that happened at the pillar. She remembers the pillar started breaking apart and was lifted up in the air by the Nergigante.

Sojira: { I'm sorry Kuro and Shiva but I have to keep pushing. Which means.....}

Sojira grab the Nergigante claws.

Nergigante: (Confused) Hm?

Sojira: I won't let you take me!.......(Shocked)

Sojira tried using her ice powers but nothing happened. The ice within her hand fades.

Nergigante: (Angry)

Sony: [Trying to break free] Why it's not working!?

Nergigante: Grrrrrrrr (Roars)

The Nergigante notice Sojira and started roaring, lifting Sojira towards it's head staring face to face at each other.

Sojira: (Scared)

Nergigante: (Angry)

Sojira: [Telling herself] I said work damnit!

Sojira's hands started to spark and creates electricity.

Nergigante: (Shocked)

Sojira: [Grab its horn] Let go of me!

Sojira grab the Nergigante's right horn shocking it's whole body with an electric surge of energy.

Nergigante: (Angry)

Sojira: (Confused) What?

The Nergigante wasn't even faze by the attack.

Nergigante: [Squeezing Sojira's body]

Sojira: [Screaming in pain]....(Unconscious)

Nergigante: [Stare] ....

The Nergigante lowers itself underneath the clouds to see where exactly it's at until......

[Lightning strike]

Nergigante: [In pain] Agh! [Drops Sojira] (Roars)

A lightning bolt hit directly at the Nergigante forcing it to drop Sojira. As Sojira was falling she managed to wake up and notice her situation.

Sojira: [Panicking while falling] Huh!? Ahhhh!

Nergigante: [Dive downward]

Sojira: No, no ,no!

[Lightning strike]

The Nergigante dive straight down about to grab Sojira but was struck by another lightning strike. The flash almost blinded Sojira and damage the Nergigante greatly.
Sojira managed to regain her sight back and now realize she is heading towards a mountain full speed.

Sojira: Ahhhhh! [Frozen self]

Sojira frozen herself and created a dome that surrounds her body as protection.

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