The TRIFECTA Chap 41 Arrows & Steel

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Yatsu: [Yelling] Come down here and fight me coward!

Luna: [Coughing blood]

Yatsu: Luna hang in there! (Shocked)

While Yatsu is distracted an arrow graze him on the side of his face. When Yatsu turn towards Jamal he was met with 10 arrows heading towards him. Yatsu dodge and grab Luna jumping off the mountain of elder recess.

Yatsu: [Sliding down] Luna don't fall asleep!

Luna: [Hurt] But my eyes, feel so heavy.

Yatsu: Hey, don't close your eyes. {Damnit! Why is she not healing through this!?}

Luna: [Imagining things] Mielle? Is that you?
Yatsu: What? No! (Shocked) [Dodge]

Yatsu jump off the side of the mountain avoiding more arrows from Jamal and landed on a platform in the middle area of the elder recess mountain.

Yatsu: [Lay her down] I'm going to sit you here okay?

Luna: What...hap... (Unconscious)

Yatsu: (Shocked)...Luna..(Angry) What the hell is this!? An arrow shouldn't do this much damage to her. She should be immune to that.

Jamal landed not that far from the both of them already aiming his bow.

Yatsu: {Who the hell is this guy? Why is he here?}

Jamal: Hm.

Jamal shot off 4 arrows in quick succession. Yatsu deflect them with his new weapon.

Jamal: [Smirk]

Yatsu: (Shocked) Huh?


The arrows he deflect started to glow and exploded sending Yatsu flying back. In the smoke of the explosion 5 more arrows appear out and hit Yatsu but didn't pierce his skin, instead it bounce off of him.

Yatsu: (Confused) I don't understand. These arrows not even hurting me yet that one arrow he shot at Luna did a lot of damage. (Shocked)

Jamal race towards him with a great sword bringing the blade down on Yatsu but Yatsu blocks it just in time.

Yatsu: When the hell he got a great sword?

Jamal great sword dematerialize and created a insect glaive.

Yatsu: (Confused) No way.

Jamal sweep Yatsu legs with the weapon and about to stab Yatsu right in the face but Yatsu caught the blade with his bare hands.

Jamal: [Struggle] Ahhh!

Yatsu: [Struggle] Ahhhh!

While in the ground, Yatsu kicks Jamal off of him and perform a soaring fist that hits Jamal but was blocked by a charge blade.

Yatsu: What the hell? He's able to change his weapon mid combat. Not just that it's so fast I can barely see it.

Jamal: [Stare]

Yatsu: Guess I need to use my abilities more. [Transformation, Kushala Yatsu]

Yatsu now able to use Kushala Daora power with turning into it. His skin now turns into scales making twice as hard to damage his body.

Jamal: Hmph, I was waiting for you to do something unnatural. Yet you remain in that fake human form.

Yatsu: This body isn't fake. I'm human.

Jamal: [Laugh] [Sarcastic] Yeah, and I'm the devil.

Yatsu: Not wrong there.

Jamal: [Dash]

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