The TRIFECTA Chap 39 Double sided coin

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(6 months before the tragedy of Astera)

Alice is shown sparring with one of the soldiers who works for Capt Yu. At the end, Alice beaten him taken the win.

Alice: (Smile) Told you I still got it. I'm not a queen that sits on my ass all day.

Soldier 1: I can see that. Impressive. Now I'm curious what will happen if you fight with the captain.

Alice: I'll woop his ass too.

Soldier: (Giggles) Love your confidence miss. Well I'm beat. I'll be going now.

The soldier and the other people that were watching left the training room.

Alice: (I need to keep pushing myself to protect the ones I love)

Bony: (Clapping) That was awesome Alice! I knew you can do it.

Alice: Thanks Bony.

Bony: No problem.

Alice: Hey since it's the two of us, I wanted to talk to you.

Bony: Sup?

Alice: You been helping me for years ever since I took you in. I really haven't told have much I appreciate it.

Bony: I just do what I can to make your work a little easier.

Alice: (Sighs) Let me be straight with you. I just want to know why?

Bony: Hm? What do you mean?

Alice: Biscuit told me about your healing touch you did to that Paolumu.

Bony: (Shit)

Alice: But even with that, I already know how special you are. It's quite obvious, you've been hunting with me for years with that small figure and you think I wouldn't know?

Bony: (Worry)

Bony created a small blade with ice behind her back.

Alice: But with all that I'm not going to say anything.

Bony: Hm.

Alice: You save my life in combat multiple times and you definitely gave off a good impression to Biscuit and the others. You could have just not participate in protecting us but still you did.

Bony: .....

Alice: And no matter what, I'm not going to betray family and you are part of that family Bony. If that's your real name.

Bony: (Giggles) Maybe.

Alice: I just want a request from you.

Bony: And that is?

Alice: I want to fight you at full power. To test my skills to kill the that monster that kill my best friend.

Bony: I promise you the fight won't last long.

Alice: (Nervous) I'll take my chances.

Bony: And you think this little training room is enough for me to go all out?

Alice: Um, I hope so. (She that strong?)

Bony: (Sighs) Fine. I do it. But don't have regrets when I mop you on the floor. (Smiling)

Alice: (Smile) Thanks. Now let's take our places.

They both a bit away from each other preparing themselves.

Bony: (What a weird woman. Why the hell would she trust someone like me knowing what I am? Maybe she just trying to kill me and take the glory for herself? Or this could be a trap?)

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