The TRIFECTA Chap 7 The destruction of Formal village

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Shiva race towards the noises of Sojira even though it was hard to track when their people in her village also screaming and crying. Shiva was trying to go to the center of the village so she can heard Sojira cries better, but when she moving towards her home she stop.

Shiva: Mom, Dad.

Shiva looking at her house that was caved in. She believes that her parents probably made it out safe but at the same time she know that they wouldn't leave her alone, they're try to look for her.

Shiva: I got to check first.

Shiva walk to her house and slowly open the door. She started walking around the house carefully cause the house itself is unstable. She began screaming out for her parents while opening door by door to each room.

Shiva: Mom! Dad! Anyone here!?

She search the house the best way she can and she couldn't find anyone.

Shiva: (Sighs) Thank goodness.

Sounded relief, she began carefully walking out of the house till she heard a roaring sound in the distance.

Shiva: What is that?

She look out of the broken window and seen a huge flaming boulder coming her way.

Shiva: (Gasped)

She runs as fast as she can out of the house. Then when she gotten closer to the door that when the boulder smash into the house launching Shiva through the door onto the ground.

Shiva: Oh my God that was too close for comfort.

Shiva with mud on her continue to follow Sojira scream. Till she noticed something similar in the distance. A large pillar of ice not far from what Shiva is reaching the sky.

Shiva: Sojira? You did this? No way that possible.

Shiva look around herself and seen nothing but burning houses and ice covered some of the woods and the buildings.

Shiva: Could she? Wait! The her cries stop.

Shiva was trying to locate the direction of the cries she last heard. She managed to move herself to the center of the village. Then she seen a horrible sight. In the center of the village there was nothing but burning human corpses. Shiva immediately throw up from the smell of the burning bodies, still able to see the heat coming from the bodies.

Shiva: (Coughing and crying)

Shiva sat on her knees and just stare at her friends and some of the people she know around the village dead right in front of her.

Shiva: (Crying) Why?

???: You alive that's good.

Shiva: (Shocked) Huh?

A very quiet voice was heard from a destroy building. Shiva walk in the building in what's in there was her father. She was excited to see him but she noticed that there's a lot blood around him and he was holding something.

Shiva: Dad? Are you ok?

Grim: I'm fine Shiva. Oh and your little sister.

Shiva: .....!

Shiva look at Sojira being held by her father.

Grim: It's ok, I already know a long time ago.

Shiva: How?

Grim: How? I'm your father. Of course I know you've been out training alone so I decided to check up on you to time to time making sure you're safe. Then after that you and I seen a baby in a basket floating down the river. I was going to save her but you got to her first. I was a little confused that you wanted to keep Sojira a secret from your mom and I.

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