The TRIFECTA Chap 108 Bridge Reform

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[Mew's dream world?]

Mew: Let me get to her and see what's up.

Mew parkour down the side of the abandoned building carefully then jump and land on a close dumpster. She catches up with Sojira with a slight shy greet.

Mew: Hey Sojira.

Sojira: (Shocked) Jessica? Where you coming from?

Mew: Just hanging out and stuff........(Shocked).... Sojira, you face.

Mew sees a slight bruising around her face.

Mew: (Angry) Who did this to you?

Sojira: Mew relax. It's not a big deal.

Mew: You are my big deal Sojira. Now who did this?

Sojira: [Sighs].....(Shocked)

Sojira felt Mew's lips on hers as she slowly gives in to it.

Mew: [Kiss].... I told you, don't sigh near me. [Happy] You exposed your touge too much.

Sojira: (Blushing)

Mew: Now baby talk to me.

Sojira: It's just some stupid bullies at school that kelp insulting and picking on me. Assholes. I just wanna be left alone.

Mew: I'll walk you home Sojira.

Sojira: Thanks Jessica.

They begin walking to the neighborhood till they found a stray cat on the side of the road looking for food.

Sojira: (Happy) Oh my gosh! A little kitty Jess!

Mew: [Smile] I see.

Sojira: Aw, it looks hungry. Oh, I have some leftover snacks in my bag. [Searching bag] Got it.

Sojira slowly walks over to the kitty. The cat gave off a shy but curious expression as it walks towards Sojira.

Cat: [Eating]

Sojira: [Giggles] I wish I could keep you.

Mew: Why not?

Sojira: To tell you the truth, my dad and I are allergic to cats..... sadly. We can't stay around them too long or we....... ahchoo!

Mew: Oh, sorry.

Sojira: Don't apologize for that. It's nothing serious.

Mew: Hm? Who's that?

Sojira: Who's what?

Mew: Those three kids starring at us.

Sojira: (Shocked) [Look around] Damn, it's them.

Mew: What?

Three high school students walk towards them. Two males and one female.

Ruth: Well, well, well. Look what we have here. A useless one handed cunt who thinks she a know it all and a dropout student that's stinks of failure trying to feed a little dying cat. How's it going?

Sojira: [Ignoring them]

Gauge: Hmph, looks like someone needs there ears checked.

Roscoe: Ruth, you might wanna teach her some more lessons.

Mew stand in front of Sojira with an aggressive look as she about to strike.

Ruth: Uh and who the hell are you? Just run along little girl, this isn't your business.

Mew: I want you all to leave, now.

Ruth: Or what? You gonna fight us? Hehe, you and what army?

Mew: So that's a no?

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