The TRIFECTA Chap 66 Tunnels of Delusion

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Aj: Yep, we're fuck!

Preston: There so many pathways. It probably smart to just take the long way to the dragon recess.

Shiva: No, I still have my lucky hat.

Preston: Sorry, but I don't think a hat can help us with this.

Aj: [Looking around] You don't think these tunnels look weird to you?

Preston: What do you mean?

Aj: It's like it hand made or something.

Shiva: [Flip hat] This way.

Shiva started marching through the tunnel with confidence.

Preston: You can't believe that going to work right?

Aj: Eh, made us this far.

Both Aj and Preston follow Shiva into the dark tunnel. It was quiet, not a single nosie in the area. They all stare in confusion from the sight of the tunnel. The walls are soft and muddy that you can stuff your whole arm in it with no problems but the ground is solid like stone. They went deeper and now they started to see a white mist in the air. Without thinking much about it they kept moving forward.

[1 hour later]

Shiva: Hm.

Preston: .....

Aj: Hmph.

Shiva: The air in here feels weird. I can't smell anything in here. Well, at least nothing normal.

Preston: This place really do give me the creeps.

Aj: Hm.

Shiva: [Excited] You think there any ghosts in here? I wanted to always see one.

Aj: Now is not really a good time to talk about ghost.

Shiva: Oh? You afraid?

Aj: Afraid? Ha, I'm not afraid of no damn ghost.

Shiva: We all have fears Yeegums, it's no shame to admit it.

Aj: But I don't fear ghost.

Preston: Yeah, he scared of weird deformed creatures that runs towards him.

Aj: Shut it!

Shiva: Hm, I think I might be afraid of that too. Especially if it's hungry. I don't want to be eaten.

Aj: [Sighs] Cut it out and let's keep moving.

Shiva: Lighting up a bit will ya.

Aj: I'm still upset about my powers. There's no way I'm going to let that slide. I'll kill him once I ......

Shiva: Wait a minute.

Aj: Hm? What?

Shiva: You feel that?

Preston: Feel what?

Shiva: The wind.

Aj: The wind? What's the wind got to do with anything?......Wait, you got a point.

Preston: Hm?

Aj: The wind is blowing towards our direction. That doesn't make since.

Shiva: Right.

Preston: And is it just me or this mist started to get more foggy. I'm struggling to see a bit.

Aj: Hm. The wind is getting stronger as well. Let's keep pushing forward.

They all continue to move forward as they field of view changes. It's a lot harder to see than usual. The walls look like they closing in as the walls started to get more muddy. The fog became thicker to a point that it interfere with their breathing. Even through all that they kept moving forward.

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