The TRIFECTA Chap 9 Home of Selma

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It's only been a few hours when they reach the new place.

Yatta: Alrighty! We finally made it to Selma.

Shiva: No way. This place Is humongous.

Shiva was greeting by tons of people talking and noises. It was extremely crowded and busy. People selling all types of things children playing all over the place yelling, screaming, and laughing. Their also building that see never seen before and foods she never eaten. People was everywhere like bees an a beehive.

Shiva: This is a village?

Yatta: Well I wouldn't call it a village more large lively neighborhood or a small packed city.

Shiva: Oh. (Confused)

Yatta: (Giggles) Follow me here.

Yatta take Shiva in the center of the area and the first thing she see is a giant statue. It's a statue of Yatta standing straight up with his thumbs up and a huge smile.

Shiva: So cool! Look at that!

Yatta: This place is the heart of Selma. Most people who sell and trade be around here more. That why its always so busy.

Shiva: What's up with the statue?

Yatta: Oh That? The people in this area made this for saving them.

Shiva: Save them from what?

Yatta: I'll tell you in a bit. Just let me finish explaining the area.

Shiva: K.

Yatta: The whole area of Selma is like a huge hill. They are broken to three parts top, middle, and bottom. What we in right now is Jewelry hill.

Shiva: Jewel? Oh cause it the jewel of Selma or the heart like you said.

Yatta: Indeed. It's the heart of Selma and the place you'll gonna live.

Shiva: Live?

Yatta: Yeah, when you're a hunter you don't really be at home like you used to be. Plus I have multiple places to go anyway.

Shiva: Thank you so much. I don't how to repay you.

Yatta: Aw don't worry about that now. Just get settled in okay. I'll take you to the place.

Yatta show Shiva the place she'll be staying at. The house was way bigger than she expected. It has two floors, two bedrooms, bathrooms, one kitchen, front room, and a top porch.

Shiva: (Holy shit)

Shiva look up and down stairs checking out the house. She appreciates it greatly with a smile on her face. She checked one of the bedrooms that was upstairs. The room is big with a queen size bed, dresser, and closet. The window show a clear view of the area right next to another home with a flat roof.

Shiva: Heh heh. I think this is perfect for you Sojira.

Sojira: (Sleeping)

Shiva put Sojira on the bed on the pillow and went out to close the door. She walk downstairs and meet up with Yatta again.

Yatta: You left the girl?

Shiva: She'll be fine, she tough you know. You seen that yourself.

Yatta: (It's not her I'm worrying about)

Shiva: Alright. Do you have more to show or.......?

Yatta: Right. Right. Um let see. I'm gonna take you to Rose hill.

Shiva: Ok, lead the way.

Meanwhile after leaving the house and traveling towards Rose hill they begin having small talk about the good times they had in Formal village.

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