The TRIFECTA Chap 11 Rivalry of Brothers

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Early morning on Sojira birthday Shiva have to go on an important quest with Yatta. Moments later after she left the house she went deep into the ancient forest looking for Yatta.

Shiva: (Sighs) Where the hell is he. Yatta!
Yo! Monkey man!

Shiva search high and low but cannot locate him. Shiva continue walking ahead until she heard whistling around her.

Shiva: Yatta is that you!?

She walk towards the noises and ended up in a dark swamp area. It was hard to see but she managed by the fireflies in the area.

Shiva: Agh! Where are you!!!

Richie: Meow! Meow!

Shiva: Hm, I know I heard noises around here.

Shiva walks around slowly in the murky waters till she tripped over something and landed in the mud.

Shiva: Aw! Got damnit! What was that? (Shocked)

Shiva notice that what she tripped over is a body of a hunter.

Shiva: Holy shit! Hey you ok?

Shiva tried to pick up the hunter but when she lifts him up she realized the lower half was completely separate from the top.

Shiva: (Screaming) Ahhhh!

Richie: (Screaming) Meow!

She immediately drop the corpse shocked and disgusted by what she seen.

Shiva: What the hell?! Did a monster done this?

Shiva looks around and notice that there way more bodies around her and most she seen are dismembered limbs.

Shiva: .....

Richie: (Scared) Meow.

Shiva: Was it a monster?

She looks at the damage done to the tree thinking she can get a hint of what could have done this. When she checked multiple trees she noticed that the trees been clearly cut through with no effort at all.

Shiva: These trees are way to thick to cut through so easily. Could it be a Glavenus? No in the ancient forest? Can't be.  It's very hard to tell.

She slowly walks pass the dead hunters looking at them one by one.

Shiva: (Angry) There so young. Mostly the same age as me. Why are they out here?

Shiva started to yell at the top of her voice.


Shiva heard nothing but silence.

Shiva: (Sighs) Hm?

Shiva felt a gust of wind hit her.

Shiva: Why it's blowing so strongly.

Seconds later a huge force of wind hit Shiva and Richie pushing them both back with great force.

Shiva: Ahhhh! What's going on?

Richie: MEOW!!!!

Richie been sent flying in the air far away from Shiva.

Shiva: Richie!!!!

The wind started getting stronger by the second almost lifting Shiva off the ground. Lucky for her weapon of choice the great sword heavy weight keep her steady on the ground. She stuck the great sword into the ground to keep her from moving. The wind form into a large cycle storm ripping everything in its path.

Shiva: Ahhhhh!

Shiva's body lift up in the air but she still holding the great sword hanging off with one hand.

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