The TRIFECTA Chap 106 Sunny the Born Sacrifice

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When the next sun went down and another night began, Mew lay down on the couch right beside a mysterious jar with strange symbols on it. She can't make out what it says but the designs on it is beautiful and well crafted. Mew tie the jar to her arm and a very uncomfortable manner then she gently lay down and close her eyes. Feels like hours have passed after she close her eyes but doesn't seem to be making progress on going to sleep. That when she open her eyes and found herself in a library with no one in it.

[The Great Knowledge Library]

Mew: Um, hello?

[Voices] Shhhhh! Quiet. Hush, hush. Keep it down. So noisy.

Mew: The hell? Where did all those voices coming from?

Mew continue walking around the library and notice a person sitting near a table that appears to be drawing.

Mew: Huh? Is that.......(Angry)

Mew stomped over towards the person coming up behind him. When she gotten close she noticed his drawing of Sojira on the right and a large dragon on the left.

Mew: ........Hm.

Sunny: [Drawing]

Mew: Yo.

Sunny: Shhhh!

[Voices] Shhhh! Got damn those kids!

Mew: ......[Deep breaths] Calm down Mew, it's only a dream. A dream that about to have my foot in it's ass.

Sunny: (Shocked) Wait, Jessica?

Mew: Apparently everyone knows my real name.

Sunny: You're not supposed to be here. Who sent you here?

Mew: That's the first thing you say after you fucken killed me?

Sunny: Kill you? I would never......

Mew: Ever since my girl and I lay eyes on you, you deliver nothing but pain and agony. If I would've known this would happen, I would grab Sojira and take her far away from your damn destructive chaos.

Sunny: ...... Sojira, is she dead?

Mew: Why would I tell someone like you?

Sunny: You were sent here for a reason right? You are here for my help. The least you can do is answer my question.

Mew: ........

Mew paused her words remembering what Curie said before sleeping.

Mew: (Angry) Why? Why this the guy that supposed to help me?

Sunny: Huh?

Mew: [Screaming] I wanted nothing more other than putting a blade through your fucken neck for hurting my baby!


Sunny: Mew it's best to stay quiet. Used your inside voice please.

Mew: Or what?

Sunny: Or that.

Mew: Uh? [Turn around]........[Terrified]

When Mew turns around all she sees is a large woman face with no eyes starring at her. Mew was completely surprised not even noticing her presence. The woman body covers 25% of the library almost fifty times Mew's size looking down at her with no vision.

Sunny: You don't want to deal with her. Not even Nike don't want to go down that road.

Mew: What is that?

Sunny: She don't have a name. The listener is what gods called her but I call her Sally. She looks like a Sally.

Mew: (Uncomfortable)

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