The TRIFECTA Chap 61 The First Scientist

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Shiva: (Confused) What?

Aj: [Sighs] Your sword please.

Shiva: Well, it's kinda broken now.

Aj: You still got the bottom half.

Shiva: (Angry) What is that supposed to mean!? My baby is hurt and it needs repairs.

Aj: Why you treated it like a some type of child?


Aj: [Stare] Then use your hands.

Shiva: [Happy] Ok!

Shiva headbutt the glass cracking it.

Aj: (Confused) Um, did I say the sentence correctly? I didn't remember saying headbutt.

Shiva: Sorry, runs in the family.

Aj: .....

Aj Walk to the glass and gently press his hand on it.

Aj: This Zeta can't prefers to the monster inside me. Right? [Look closely] But he also resemble....


Aj: Ouch.

Aj was hit with a little jolt of electricity making him move back but something force him to cling back on the glass.

Aj: (Confused) Huh!? What the fuck!? [Pulling hand] I can't move!

Shiva: Yeegums?

Aj: [Struggling]

Shiva: Hold on I got ya! [Pulling]

The both pull as hard as they can till a flash of red lightning removed Aj from the glass leaving them laying on the ground.

Shiva: [Holding head] Ouch, my head. You ok?

Aj: [Unconscious]

Shiva: (Shocked) Aj!?

[Glass cracking]

Shiva: (Shocked) Hm?

[Glass breaks]

The glass shattered everywhere as a person slowly appear out of the container.

???: [Inhale and exhale] Fresh air after all these years! And I feel great!

Shiva: [Stare]

???: My memories, my precious memories. It's all coming back to me. [Looking around] Oh yeah, this lab. (Shocked) Was this lab. Looks like it been trashed.

Shiva: (Angry) Grrrrrrrr.

???: (Confused) Oh hello? Weird person.

Shiva: (Caution) Who the hell are you?

???: Heh, I'm am the one and only Zeta Slow!

Shiva: I don't get it?

Aj: [Waking up] Zeta? What happened? How you.....

Zeta: Ascended!!! For years my memories been locked up and contained just to get away from that bastard......

Zeta pauses and stare at Aj and Shiva as his memories started flowing back.

Zeta: ....Wait, this not right. [Panicking] What is he thinking!? There's no way he wanted something like this. This was not the plan! Emily, I need to find her right away.

Shiva: (Confused) Emily?

Aj: [Stands up] Plan? What the hell are you talking about? What happened to you? (Shocked) Wait...

Aj notice the cuts on his body is not healing.

Aj: (Angry) What happened to my powers!?

Zeta: Your powers? [Laughing] Are you fucken serious? Those aren't your powers, there the great crimson of beauty herself. The Crimson Witch and the former blood God. [Thinking] I probably won't say former, I don't even know if she still alive right now.

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