The TRIFECTA Chap 74 Conceal Devil

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Sojira: [Smile] Yea, yes I am.

Emily gently touch Sojira's face truly amazed at what she sees.

Emily: I wonder for so long thinking of so many possibilities.

Sojira: I feel the same way Mom. I have so many questions to ask, so many things to talk about and more.

Emily: I see you been through a lot on your adventure. Even your horns are broken. What happened?

Sojira: It's a long story Mom.

Emily: And I see you have friends here to company you. Who's.........[Stare]

Shiva: (Confused) {Why is she looking at me like that?}

Sojira: Oh, that's Shiva. She took care of me after you place me in that basket.

Emily: Basket?

Sojira: (Confused) Um yeah, something happened that made you put me in a basket with a note to take care of me. Is that right?

Emily: ......Oh, I see.

Sojira: Mom?

Emily: Sorry, I just remembered something. [Slightly giggles] How can I be so deceiving?

Sojira: What is it? You can tell me.

Emily: [Stare] No, there's nothing you can say or fix this situation.

All the worrisome and emotion express on her face disappeared within a second. Now she gives off a serious tone.

Sojira: (Shocked) Mom? What's wrong?

Emily: I've prison myself here for a very long time. The things I witnessed, the things I've done. Even now it's all for nothing. It's a shame I didn't confirm the kill when I had the chance.

Sojira: (Confused) I don't understand. What kill?

Emily: If you want to know the answer, turn towards your friend behind you.

Sojira: (Confused) What? [Turns around] Shiva?

Shiva: {And now they both looking at me. What's going....} (Shocked) SOJIRA! MOVE! [Transformation Rajing Shiva]

Sojira: (Confused) Huh?

Sojira turn back around towards Emily and at the last second she noticed only her arm swinging towards her.


Shiva: [In pain] Agh!

Sojira: (Shocked) Shiva!

Emily: [Sighs]

Emily create a flame blade from her hand and went for Sojira's neck. Shiva managed to push her out the way but gotten her cut badly in her left eye. Sojira dash towards Shiva's aid. Completely shocked at what happened.

Aj: (Shocked) Shit!

Preston: That started off fast.

Michelle: (Angry) Emily! What the hell you doing!?

Emily: You here too Mielle? Who I'm talking with? The worthless scum or the warrior who doesn't put her true skills in use?

Michelle: (Angry) You're fucken horrible! You haven't changed a bit!

Emily: Changed? I've changed more than you can ever be. I'm not one of Sunny's puppet like you are. If it wasn't for his memory lost, you all wouldn't existed.

Aj: What the hell are you talking about lady?

Emily: It's pointless to explain to you fakes.

Sojira: Mom? Why?

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