The TRIFECTA Chap 93 Jack of all trades master of all

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[5 hours earlier]

Sojira: [Sleeping]

Sojira sleeping comfortably in her bed.

Mielle: [Open door].....[Smile]

Mielle gently close the door behind her and slowly crawl on the bed without waking Sojira. She then gently pressed her lips against her's waking her up.

Mielle: [Light kiss] Morning.

Sojira: [Slowly woke] Hmmm, what's that for?

Mielle: I'm just happy, nothing in particular.

Sojira: [Giggles].....[Sits up] Oh it's 10:00, I normally be up already.

Mielle: You were very tired so I'm not surprised that you slept a bit longer than usual.

Sojira: Hmn, so what you been up to this morning?

Mielle: I was just helping a lot of people. They're actually pretty nice. I like this.

Sojira: Still you have to be careful, Yu is not good at controlling people actions until it's too late. If you go into the wrong crowd with bad people......

Mielle: It's fine Sojira, I promise.

Sojira: Mkay. What else?

Mielle: I been the most help with Artemis. She have very good energy like always and it's good to be around her. I think I actually have a good human friend.

Sojira: That's good to hear.

Mielle: [Whisper] But between me and you, I think Artemis have a thing with the mean one.

Sojira: [Giggles] The mean one? You mean Jamal I'm guessing?

Mielle: Yeah, I can tell how the way she looks at him, it's very obvious. Wonder do he know that?

Sojira: Hmph, he's too busy thinking how he going to rip us apart.

Mielle: Well, he haven't really been a problem actually. While I been helping Artemis I been seeing him giving a helping hand time to time he just don't want to admit it. All he do is grunt and be like...."Hmph, whatever."

Sojira: Heh, yeah? Doesn't seem that different from me.

Mielle: Just be patient. Maybe just maybe you can be friends with......

Sojira: [Laughing] No! Never in a billion years!

Mielle: Alright, alright, I'm just saying.

Sojira: Hmph.

Mielle: Oh well, I still got something to do to help Artemis. I got this note that she need help with inventory next so I'll go help her.......oh! I suppose to be there now! I'm late! No! no! no! no!

Sojira: Relax, I'm sure it's fine.

Mielle: Yeah, but I don't want to let anyone down. I'll go now. See ya! [Running then stop] Oh wait!

Sojira: Hm?

Mielle: [Kiss]

Mielle wrap her arms around her neck and met with a slow kiss catching Sojira by surprise.

Sojira: (Surprised) [Kiss] Hmmm.

Mielle: [Giggles] Be on your best behavior while I'm gone.

Sojira: What!? I should be saying that!

Mielle: [Smile]

Sojira: [Blushing] Love you.

Mielle: I love you too. [Leaves]

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