The TRIFECTA Chap 42 A Drowsy Misunderstanding

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(Coral Highlands)

Spike: [Screaming while walking] Ahhhhhh!

Jay: (Confused)

Spike: [Screaming louder] AhhhhhhyayayayaAAHHHHHHH!

Jay: (Angry) What the hell is wrong with you?!

Spike: [Punch]

Jay: Ouch, why you hit me!?

Spike: We are finally here Lay!

Jay: Yeah, I see that and you didn't answer my question either.

Spike: Shitfire Nay!

Jay: (Annoyed) It's Jay.

Spike: Ok May!

Jay: [Sighs] So anyway where are we going? Have any tracks?

Spike: Nope, we explored everything till we find that Namielle.

Jay: This is an elder dragon right? How much we getting paid for it. Should be millions.

Spike: Nope, volunteer.

Jay: .......What the fuck you just said?

Spike: I just wanted to fight an elder dragon to prove my skills as a hunter. The best of the best.

Jay: [Stare]

Spike: Why are you looking at me like that Nay.

Jay: {Why the hell I'm working with this psycho?}

Spike: [Screaming and running away] COME ON YOU SLOW LITTLE SHIT, WE ARE IN A HURRY!

Jay: (Angry) [Follow]

(10 minutes later)

Spike and Jay: [Walking]

Spike: [Walking].......

Jay: [Whistling]

Spike: (Angry) Ahhhhhh!

Jay: What now!?

Spike: I can't fine the Namielle anywhere! Where can it be?

Jay: I donno, you ever tried looking high ground?

Spike: Hmm, good idea Qay.

Jay: [Stare]....

Spike begin climbing the a wall covered in vines while Jay follows.

Jay: Hey! Slow down!

Spike: No, you speed up! You taking to long to get here?

Jay: (Angry) [Climbing] Calm your ass down! We not even getting pain for this bullshit!


Jay: (Confused) Huh? What was that!?

Spike: I think that's your survival instinct kicking in.

Jay: No, I think it's the vines snapp.....

[Multiple Vines snap]

Jay: [Falling] Ahhhhh!


Jay: Huh? Oh.

Spike grab Jay before he start falling backwards.

Spike: Stop being so fucken clumsy Day!

Jay: (Angry) That's not my name!

Spike: Who the fuck cares!? Hm?

Just before Spike lifted him up, he spotted a large shadow that went past him.

Spike: Wait is that it!? [Let go]

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