The TRIFECTA Chap 91 Creation of Chaos

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[Elders recess]

A person is sitting down on the ground watching the crumble rocks of the Elders recess.

???: Pain........sadness........despair.......hatred...... regrets.......worthlessness.....all of these bring nothing to satisfy my ambition. Not anymore. I need something more. More chaos. Hm?

This person notice a group walking up the hill. That person hid from them, stalking them like prey.

[Meanwhile near the Elders recess]

Yatsu: [Walking] So where are we going again?

Beauty: [Walking] .......Hm.

Tiffany: When you gonna stop asking the same damn questions!? I've already told you!

Yatsu: Well, you didn't give out an explanation on why!

Tiffany: [Looking around]

Yatsu: Hello?

Tiffany: What happened to this place? There's nothing left. Could it be.....

Beauty: Look.

Tiffany and Yatsu: ......Hm.

Beauty: Spikes from a Nergigante. This place was a battlefield not long ago. Who were she fighting?

Tiffany: (Angry) No! Damnit! Then I'm not surprised she reach her first.

Yatsu: Reach who first?

Tiffany: [Sighs] Apollyon gave me a secret task on getting Emily. She supposed to be underneath this place.

Beauty: (Shocked) What!? She was under here the whole time? She didn't tell anyone about that.

Tiffany: Cause Sony was close and she didn't want him to notice at any cost.

Beauty: ......We was looking for her for so long. I can't believe she was just right under our noses.

Yatsu: What's so important about her anyway?

Tiffany: She was gonna help change the tide of battle. The problem is convincing her to help. She's......well, .......a good hand full. Believe it or not I actually gather you Yatsu to help fight her.

Yatsu: What!?

Tiffany: Beauty also wasn't part of the plan but she can prove useful in this fight but......

Tiffany looking at all the destruction in the area.

Tiffany: Looks like someone beats us to it.

Yatsu: I'm guessing the Nergigante has something to do with that.

Tiffany: Yeah. If she's gone then the whole plan is......

???: Hello!!!

A woman's voice was heard through out the area. She is wearing a mask to hid herself from the outside world.

Tiffany: [On guard]

Yatsu: Hm.

Beauty: (Scared) Eeeeeekkkkk!

Tiffany: Who are you? Speak your name.

???: Woop, woop, Woop woop. My name? [Giggles] Who needs a name for?

Tiffany: That voice, I heard that somewhere before. I can't put my finger on it. It's probably cause how childish the sounds she been making purposely.

???: Is something wrong!?

Beauty: Something wrong with this woman.

Yatsu: I couldn't agree more. Something's off with her.

???: [Giggles] What!? What's off?

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