The TRIFECTA Chap 62 Family Matters

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Shiva, Aj, and Preston walk through the wood as Shiva lead the area.

Shiva: [Jogging]

Aj: You seriously don't have to jog.

Preston: Can she really track that dragon with just her nose?

Aj: You will be pretty surprised of all the bullshit she can do.

Preston: She took one of my stun bullets like it's was nothing. I can already tell.

Aj: Yeah.

Preston: So you think your sister going to be friendly towards us?

Aj: We'll see when we meet her. If I remember correctly she's still the same as before. she even tried to help us escape the Great Tree of it wasn't for her. [Stare]

Shiva: Mockusa!

Aj: [Sighs]

Preston: Can't you believe that we use to all work together as a group.

Aj: I was better off alone.

Preston: Here you go again.

Aj: What?

Preston: You know what. Even you can't lie you felt at home for the first time in years when you met all of us. Laughing together, having a great time.

Aj: Defined great.

Preston: I mean yeah, Axel is annoying but he also brings life as well and helps even though he always bragging about it.

Aj: Hmph.

Preston: Then of course your sister Octavia. Is she still using her charge blade?

Aj: Never got the chance to see it.

Preston: She was well-rounded when it comes to that weapon. Pretty deadly.

Aj: I'm better.

Preston: Without your powers?

Aj: .....

Preston: I could have sworn y'all both pretty even when it comes to combat and that's with your powers. Now I feel she above you for now.

Aj: I don't care.

Preston: You don't care till you get your ass whooped.

Aj: Still won't care.

Shiva: [Stops]

Shiva suddenly stops in her track and scan the area. Both Aj and Preston stop not far from Shiva being on guard for what about to happen.

Aj: Something wrong Shiva?

Shiva: It's ......gone. I can't smell neither of them any more. It's like they know.

Aj: Hm.

Shiva: It's not far from here too.

Preston: So they're somewhere in the direction towards the Wildspire Waste. Wonder how far they truly is.

Shiva: Just a little bit farther away straight and after that I can't really do much but guess.

Preston: That's fine, we can work our way from there.

Aj: If they close to the Wildspire then we can't make it there in one day.

Shiva: Well if someone would have just use there flying powers, we would've made it there in no time.

Aj: (Angry) Say one more thing about those fucken flying powers Shiva!

Shiva: [Stare] You have no wings nigga!

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