The TRIFECTA Chap 40 The Pathless Swordsman

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(Top of Elders Recess)

Yatsu: [Training]

Yatsu created a large tornado that lifts multiple boulders.

Yatsu: (Tired) Alright let's do this again. [Jumps Upwards]

Yatsu begin cutting through them high speed while in the air also jumping to boulder to boulder.

Yatsu: One more! [Cut] [Break] ......!!!

Yatsu cut halfway through but his weapon breaks in half making the boulder crash into him.

Yatsu: [Falling] Ahhhhh!


Yatsu: (In pain) Ouch. (Angry) These fucken weapon are useless! Why I keep using these stupid ass swords! [Trying to move] Oh, great now I'm stuck.

Luna: [Just showed up] Hey, I know you didn't want to eat with everyone so I brought some food here. (Shocked) Yatsu!

Yatsu: I'm fine, I'm just sore from all the training. Just leave it there and I'll.....

Luna: [Move boulder]

Yatsu: (Angry) Hey, I said I got it!

Luna: Just shut up and eat before I'll force it down your throat.

Yatsu: [Sits up] (Confused) What's up with you?

Luna: [Stare] ...... Just a lot on my mind.

Yatsu: Um, do you want to talk about it?

Luna: A few hours ago Apollyon assign a meeting. (Frustrated) The meeting you skip out on.

Yatsu: Hmph, don't care about that bull.

Luna: Za was killed.

Yatsu: That weird crazy ass man? Shit, probably a good thing.


Yatsu: Ouch! What was that!?

Luna: He made be crazy in the head but he's still one of us.

Yatsu: (Angry) Us? I'm not one of you!

Luna: (Shocked)..... [Sighs] Sorry. (Walks away)

Yatsu: (Confused) .......Uh, hey. [Jump towards her]

Luna: [Continue walking]

Yatsu: [Stops her] Hey.

Luna: (Angry) [Shove] Don't touch me!

Yatsu: (Shocked) What's up with you? Is it really cause of that guy dying? He should have been more careful and choose his battles correctly. Isn't he the man of undying anyway?

Luna: .....Hmph.

Yatsu: Now thinking about it, what kill him? Hunters?

Luna: We don't know exactly. The only evidence Apollyon have is that Sony was the last person to seen him alive. And yet we haven't heard from him at all ever since that. (Worried) This is fucken stupid!

Yatsu: (Thinking) Luna, are you scared?

Luna: (Sarcastic) Scared no, it's not like one of our kind probably killing us off like fucken dogs. If it's true, then what can we do?

Yatsu: Um, kill him?

Luna: That's easier said than done Yatsu. We are talking about Sony here. Fighting him is like fighting a god. He can use our moves against us with even more power. He master all elder dragon abilities while we still in diapers. We can't beat him, even if we gang up at him.

Yatsu: [Stare] .....{Never seen her like this before}

Luna: Mielle and Beauty haven't shown up to the meeting. What if something happens to them? (Annoyed) Ugh! I can't fucken believe this.

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