The TRIFECTA Chap 50 Bomb Problem

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Joshua, Lyra, and Artemis travel through the forest for 10 minutes going for the secret lab that is hidden carefully.

Lyra: [Walking] This area is so fucken complicated! How can you get around here?

Artemis: [Walking] If you hunt in these wood like I do then you wouldn't think this place is complicated. Everything has a path. Some just more of a hassle then most.

Joshua: [Walking and thinking] .....

Lyra: So where is this place anyway?

Artemis: It's a small bunker underground. It took some time but she managed it with me and that stubborn bastard's help.

Lyra: Stubborn bastard?

Joshua: Jamal.

Artemis: Oh you know him? How?

Joshua: He was one of my security in the Rose building of Selma.

Artemis: (Surprised) Wow really? I know Sandy did something that given him a job at Selma but a bodyguard for a prince? I never thought of that. Was he good at that job?

Joshua: [Stare]

Artemis: (Worry) ....... What?

Joshua: Was that supposed to be a joke?

Artemis: (Confused) Um, no? What happened?

Joshua: {That means she doesn't know about the attack at the Rose palace either.}

Artemis: Hello? Earth to prince?

Joshua: Sorry just thinking. And you can just call me Joshua please. Calling me Prince just bothers me a little bit.

Artemis: Ok, so what happened?

Joshua: [lying] He's was ....... alright at it.

Artemis: Alright? (Angry) Do he hurt someone at his job? I know how he is sometimes!

Joshua: Heh, he's just a little hard to deal with sometime. {You don't even know the half of what he's capable of.}

Artemis: (Angry) [Talking fast] I'ma give him a piece of my mind when he gets back. He already left two days ago in the middle of the night saying that he going to do some intensive training. What the fuck type of training he's doing? Not just that, for the past few tasks we supposed to do like for example killing monster that's surrounds the hideout, he always try to do it alone like I'm holding him back or something. I can pull my own weight! I'm not weak! I'll show that bastard! He thinks he's all that with that new toy of his.

Lyra: {This woman talking way to fast to understand}

Joshua: Hehe, hey relax. Why you getting angry?

Artemis: He's an asshole.

Lyra: Him and 1 million others girl.

Artemis: Hmph. Forget about it. We're almost there anyway.

Joshua: Hey, about that small talk about your sister, Jessica right?

Artemis: Like I said before, I don't have anything useful for you to know. She was only a baby when I decided to leave. I thought it would be best. Later on, Sandy took me in as her daughter and she take care of me ever since. So let's hope you just want to talk to her cause if not then it's going to be a very bad situation.

Joshua: I'm planning on not letting that happen.

Artemis: We'll see.

Few minutes later they managed to reach a grassy hill that looks suspicious up close.

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