The TRIFECTA Chap 25 The Encounter

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(In a hidden cave)

Sony: (Sighs) Haven't been in this place for a while.

Sony walk into a cave that's completely empty but have a large door on the wall that's way big for any human.

Sony: (Knocking) Sony the Bony is hear, open up for your big bro.

???: (ROARS)

Sony: (Shocked) (Angry) Hey, I didn't come here to hear your screaming!

Sony can hear some noises behind the door like something changing.

???: (Angry) What do you want!?

Sony: Maybe I just want a little chat. We haven't spoken to each other in.... hmm, since the war. (Giggles)

???: (Angry) Go to hell!

Sony: (Sighs) Come on Laurence.

Laurence: (Angry) Don't talk to me!

Sony: Grow up man!

Laurence: Grow up!? Then what the fuck are you doing!?

Sony: Hm?

Laurence: You did all this destruction and for what? To get over your past dead wife and kid? That's pathetic! Know your own damn role!

Sony: (Angry) Don't say that!

Laurence: Don't start with me now! I know way more than you think big brother. I have ears everywhere.

Sony: What are you talking about?

Laurence: For someone who cares about his past, he need to care about what he currently have. Your new family.

Sony: (Shocked) Oh?

Laurence: That's why it's so hard to believe that you doing this for your awful past. What's was the plan again? Created a new world only for monster? What about your new family? Is your woman a monster like us? Or just another human? You are a family man after all.So you would only do this for them right?

Sony: (Angry)

Laurence: (Thinking) Hmmm, since you want a world just for monster, than she might be a monster too right? Gotta be somewhere close but somewhere far away.

Sony: I see you always like to think.

Laurence: I have too coming from you. A man who has a plan within another plan.

Sony: (Giggles) Yeah, I do that a lot.

Laurence: Speaking of plans, that incident at Selma.

Sony: (Shocked) Oh? I see you know about that too.

Laurence: Hard not to. You made a lot of noise trying to get your hands on Sojira's power. But somehow you failed.

Sony: (Rubbing his head) Let's just say people got the best of me.

Laurence: (Yelling) BULLSHIT!!

Sony: What?

Laurence: I know how strong you really are. That whole fight would have been a breeze to you. Not just that, you haven't even shown your true form. So why? Why you hesitated of achieving that power if that's the key to your success?

Sony: (Sarcasm) Hmmm. That a good question. It's not that I was quickly overwhelmed by highly skilled hunters.

Laurence: Or maybe it's something to do with that girl. Um what's her name Mew if I remember. Did she get into your skin or something? Or it's something to do with Sojira. Especially when you had multiple opportunity to get that powers even before you trying to kill her. But I do have one good speculation.

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