The TRIFECTA Chap 15 No Hero No Villain

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(2 weeks ago in the ancient forest)

In the ancient forest there is a custom made lab built inside a large hollow tree. The lab itself is filled with technology that is unknown to all people sept for a selected few. In this lab there are hundreds of weapons that have been modified to kill monsters easily without the struggle or risk of getting any human hurt.

???: Whew! That took way longer to craft than expected.

The man in the lab coat pull out a great sword that have a high powered engine attachment to it.

???: Oh yeah. This will do some damage. Hehe. (Laughing)

Sony: (Laughing with him)

???: Ahhhhh!!! (Screams of fear)

Sony: Hey Mr. Pills.

???: It's Mr. Bills to you! Little brat. Wait! How you know I'm here?! No wait! How did you get in here?!

Sony: Shhhh. You don't need to be so loud. All that matters now that I got this.

Sony pull out something from his chest.

Bills: .... Is that the.....

Sony: Armour ability that Aj have within the Odogargon.

Bills: Is Aj.....

Sony: Still alive and breathing. I stole it years ago.

Bills: Years ago? Why didn't you return it the time you got it?

Sony: You never say what time in our deal.

Bills: (Angry) Why you!

Sony: Don't be like that. I got it now so that what counts. So where should I put this?

Bills grab a small container and give it to Sony.

Sony: Oh simple enough. (Place it in the container) I'm glad you survived this long. I would of thought Aj would be walking around with your head by now.

Bills: We fought back then but, I managed with my new experimental weapon. Plus his regeneration from the Odogargon is amazing. He can survive even it he get blown to bits.

Sony: I see you admire your own creation.

Bills: (Confused) Hm?

Sony: You did place the Odogargon inside of your own son after all. (Giggles)

Bills: Well not exactly.

Sony: Oh?

Bills: I've gave him the regen and the armor but my father place the Odogargon inside of my son. Aj and Zeta don't know that yet.

Sony: ....(Confused and annoyed) I see he lived a very long life. Is he still....

Bills: Nah, die little after my son was born. He is an extremely intelligent man. He almost achieve the ancient potions in his blueprints but, he gave up on that and live the rest of his life with his family only. Is there something wrong?

Sony: (Giggles) Nothing, old blood. Here you go.

Sony hand over the armor container and Bills put it inside a strange machine.

Sony: Oooo! What does it do?

Bills: (Activated the machine) It destroys it.

Sony: .........What the fuck!? Why?! I'll might as well keep it!

Bills: It will convert to a incredible weapon just give it time. Oh yeah and here the dragon x syringe you wanted.

Sony: Ooooo! The final one I need.

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