Alternate timeline

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Faced with a world running out of resources china invade Alaska for the last reserve of oil on the planet sparking the sino american war

America invades mainland china to force china to pull troops off Anchorage Alaska progress is slow but steady

Liberation of Anchorage Alaska all Chinese forces retreat from Alaska annexation of Canada is complete.
American soldiers with t 51 suits of power armor began to push their way through mainland china to Beijing
On October 23 2077 nukes were launched by all nuclear powers, cities were bathed in the heat of a star and blasted by a shockwave faster than the speed of sound.

American troops in mainland china begins to find their way back to america many died trying but some managed to get back to america.
American troops moral boosted after the seeing their brothers and sisters in arms return. US military remants set up safe zones across the nation to retain some form of order and to protect america citizens from mutants

Replicator tech is found, US military try to use it relief some of the crisis which it's facing such as food, medicine, clothing and weapons
But it is still not enough the replicator tech is too few and
many believe america will soon fall to anarchy

An unknown gate opens up the ruins of Boston and Roman legions appears to be moving out of it

Fallout belongs to
Bethesda Softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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