Clearing the glowing sea

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After power cables were set up and enough pure water is in the hands of fallout america in Boston the next stage of recovery will be the cleaning of the glowing sea as the glowing sea causes rad storms on Boston which causes fatalities on those that did not have radaway and radx.UN forces and fallout American scientist armed with gecks or known as the garden of Eden creation kit made their way to the military base of delta 1 a military base man by robots the UN forces know they are approaching the glowing sea as they can see their gieger counter starts to go crazy making even the most fearless scared as death by radiation is one of the worst ways to die.

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC as you can see now we are the edge of the glowing sea the base here is named delta 1 due to high amount of radiation it is advised that we don't need to stay here for a long to prevent death from radiation and scientist is bringing gecks or known as garden of Eden creation kit to terraform the area to give life back to the waste."

Comments section
"Like like the gates of hell"
"The radiation here would make Chernobyl look like firecrackers"
"Wonder how the radiation of the glowing sea compared to Chernobyl."

Fallout scientist begin to bring many more gecks to terraform the glowing sea back to a habitable place.captain Jackson and his men along with the green berets and UN forces armed themselves with heavy weaponry to take out the mutants of the glowing sea where.The geck at first only to terraform little of the glowing sea due to the absurd amount of radiation of the glowing sea but the progress soon start up the glowing sea radiation begin to drop and suddenly a huge roar is heard out of the dissipating radiation clouds out comes several glowing deathclaws and glowing ghouls.
"Open fire!do not let up Andrew get the mini nuke,Cody use the rocket launcher and the UN forces here grab any heavy 50cal sniper rifles here and fire it as assault rifles requires a lot of bullets to take it down!"Jackson screamed, Jackson then sling his all American assault rifle behind his back and grab a 50cal sniper rifle before activating VATS he then choose the head immediately he fired 5 shots from the 50cal the damaged done to the glowing deathclaw kills it,UN forces brought out a AT-4 tank rocket launcher and launched at the death claw the anti tank rocket tore the deathclaw to bits but more come out like a endless wave of mutants.Ghouls begin to run towards the base but robots such as Sargent gusty, sentry bots, assaulttron and protectron took care of the ghouls as the heavy weaponry and plasma weaponry carried by these weapons easily tore the ghouls apart.James fired his laser rifle at the ghouls turning the ghouls to ash before throwing a plasma grenade onto a deathclaw killing it instantly.All of a sudden the deathclaw and ghouls gets engulfed in a giant explosion everyone look up and saw a vertibird making mini nuke runs and in a few moments the mutants Horde is taken care of.

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC as you can see we are being attacked by a horde of mutants but thankfully UN forces, green berets and fallout American forces managed to kill it before they entered the base and kill is all I would want thank all those servicemen and servicewomen for saving us."The footage of the deathclaws and ghouls attacking the military base of delta 1 is recorded by news organizations and broadcasted gaining a huge reaction from the public.

Comments section
"Looks like a video game"
"The horror and desloation of a nuclear war."
"Can't wait to get rid of the deathclaws they are dangerous."

The terraforming of the glowing sea took several days due to the huge amount of radiation there but in the end the glowing sea is cleared the radiation clouds dissapated revealing a land devoid of life with a huge crater.

Immediately with the radiation gone UN engineers to clear the rubble of the glowing sea as there is boats and ruined houses in the glowing sea after clearing it,the UN engineers begin to construct more houses for fallout americans to stay.The UN begin to set more bases in Boston to create even more places to hold supplies such as medicine,food,ammo and weapons.Due to the dangers of deathclaw UN forces requested high-powered rifles such as the M82A1 50cal sniper rifles to deal with deathclaws.

"Never would I have thought seeing the glowing sea cleared of radiation,the glowing sea is one of the main source of suffering for the fallout americans living in Boston."Andrew said

"Well you don't need to worry about it anymore as we are help you considering that this place is america my people would have gone crazy if the president did not authorize help to help his post apocalyptic counterpart."Cody said

"Thank you,I think the gate opening is gift for my nation I fear if the gate did not opened we would have collapse like the rest of the world."Andrew said

"Well don't worry the united states of America is committed to rebuild the united states of America of 2080 from the ashes of nuclear war."Cody replied

UN forces,green berets and Jackson men retire for the day and went back to the UN base of New hope to plan their next action.

"This is Trevor from CNN, as you can see once was the glowing sea is now free of radiation due to gecks.The glowing sea is created when a high yield nuclear warhead struck a nuclear power plant in Boston causing the radiation in the power plant to leak thus creating the glowing sea.Now is cleared UN engineers is building new homes and bases there to house more supplies for upcoming move rumors has it the next plan is to terraform Washington DC or known by fallout americans the capital wasteland what once known as the symbol of America power now a scorch place of cinders by atomic fire also a place of war and barbarism."

Comments section
"If this what Boston looks like I shudder to think what Washington DC looks like,as Washington DC is the capital of the united states of America so it must have been target of chinese nukes during the war."
"I think Washington DC is completely destroyed."
"I can't bare to see my hometown of Boston being reduced to this state it breaks my heart."
"As a fellow American servicemen I think i would not want to see the state of Washington DC in fallout earth as I can't bare to see my nation capital reduced to ashes in the aftermath of a nuclear war."

UN base "New hope"
Jackson said"well rest up tomorrow we will be going to the capital wasteland to terraform it but be warned, Washington DC is dangerous as it is a prime target for Chinese nukes during the great war of 2077 I recommend all of you rest up as you will need it." Jackson then went to his bunk to rest for the day the rest followed suit as the prepare themselves to go the capital fallout america Washington DC or the capital wasteland.

James said"Washington DC here we come!"

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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