slaughter at the hills

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King Duran and other vassal kings gather at a tent to discuss the fighting strategy to be used against the otherworlders from alnus hill and dalmus hill,it has been decided the kingdom of Elbe and kingdom of alguna shall attack alnus hill. The league of principality and the city of italica shall attack dalmus hill.Little do they know that have walked right into a meat grinder.

Lieutenant itami bite into a ration bar and begin to enjoy the view of this world,other nations on earth are demanding that Japan to allow access to the gate but prime minister says that Japan can handle it and the gate appeared on japanese soil so it is theirs, this lead to world wide condemnation,the united States remain quiet on this manner.

In America
President dirrel office
"Mr president there is a problem" one of the fbi agent said,dirrel responded with a nod."Mr president I am not talking about Japan hoarding the gate to itself but we are talking about a new faction in special region."This caught the president attention as dirrel asked agent pearl to continue "we have confirmation of a second gate opening up to the special region we suspect that country is."agent pearl stopped, president dirrel said"I need to know which is the country the 2 gate opened to" agent pearl continue and said"the second gate opened to up to the united states of America" Silence fell to the room dirrel is shocked and said"what do you mean! The gate did not opened up in America! Let me finish Mr president according to this america they said something about the bombs dropping the world ended in nuclear hellfire" president dirrel said"so basically this america come from a timeline where nuclear war happened, alright I want the fbi to pay close attention to our america we need a codename for this america.""Mr president the fbi team has decided on the codename for this america is fallout america"

Alnus hill
Aluns hill is littered with 100000 corpses as the allied forces spend themselves into the meatgrinder weyerns were shot down by anti air. Troops formation became target practice for japanese artillery the king of alguna was killed by a motar shell.For 3 days the vassal army troops of 100000 poured onto the hill to overwhelm but modern weaponry made mass charging pointless orges,trolls,goblins were slaughtered many men went mad crying about armageddon,king Duran is one of few that survived the carnage his friend the king of alguna were turned to red mist.

Dalmus hill
Chemical rounds land onto the forces of the italicans and the league of principality causing their flesh to dissolve away.50cal machine guns, gatling lasers,mini nukes,R91 assault rifles, all American assault rifle open in a whirlwind of death, soldiers can be seen throwing plasma grenades onto the mass of men within 3 days a force of 100000 men were wiped out with those who survive became bandits causing terror around the countryside

Coda village
The villagers of coda village is on the Frontline of dalmus and alnus hill, hundreds of thousands men were slaughtered many villagers were panicking the panicking rose up to new levels as soldiers who survive that did not turned to bandits said the men in green at alnus hill wipe out the imperial army and vassal army in 3 days. Soldiers who went through the gate of alnus hill and survive during the first expedition said the other on the side of alnus hill is the kingdom of gods as they talked about the towers that stretches into the very heavens themselves.But what finally broke the straw of camel back was the survivors of dalmus hill as survivors recalled the world on the side of dalmus hill is a world barren of life and scorched by some event. Talks of monsters and just by being at the world of dalmus hill causes one flesh to melt away.Many villagers of coda village immediately packed their things and ran away.The villagers began to give the name of the world beyond dalmus that will strike fear even onto the bravest warriors of falmart,the heaven fall gate

Alnus hill
General Kōichirō Hazama called itami to a briefing room and said"I got a mission for you,your mission is to recon the place and make contacts with the locals try to make them we are not monsters out to destroy their way of life." Itami response with a salute and walk out and said with a response 3rd recon team assemble.
3 recon team assembled and began to move out to make contact with the locals.Their first stop will be coda village after having discovered by drones. When they discovered coda village, residents of the village immediately tense up upon seeing the otherworlder with their horseless carriages, kids are curious so they approach the otherworlder but mother's held them back fearing the otherworlders may kill their kids.

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