Exploring New Vegas part 1

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"welcome to new Vegas one of the great miracles of the wasteland where it was mostly spared from the nukes."Jackson said

Gate earth personnel and the media began filming the place,it looks like this place did not even go through a nuclear war as buildings is still standing.

"In case all of you forgot the reason las Vegas is still mostly intact is due Mr house anti icbm system which prevented the nukes from striking the area."Jackson reminded them.

"So where are you taking us?"Cody asked

"The ultra-luxe casino"Jackson replied

"Wait are you telling me the casino is still opened?"Cody said

"Well,las Vegas is known as the city of sin so it very well be a city of sin after a nuclear war, now let me show you the place."Jackson joked

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,as you can see this is las Vegas but the inhabitants called this place new Vegas according to our guide captain Jackson, Mr house anti icbm system spared the city from nuclear destruction,the appearance of buildings still shocked me as I imagined the place will be of twisted metals and buildings like so many places we have been around fallout america."

Jackson soon led them to the new Vegas casino Ultra-Luxe

"Well,Ultra-Luxe is an establishment of ineradicable refinement that delicately conceals its operators' more questionable past tendencies. Almost needless to say, the Ultra-Luxe pampers its clients and provides The Strip's most elite casino experience. The dress code is strictly enforced. All of the staff and family members are well-dressed, well-spoken, and well-behaved. The casino's prime attractions are its meat-oriented restaurant, The Gourmand, its cocktail lounge, Top Shelf, and its art gallery. Roulette and Blackjack are the only games offered.As Mr. House himself describes it; "[They] put together one hell of a resort hotel, too. From what I hear, I'd want to eat at the Gourmand every night... if I were ambulatory."Jackson said

"No way,I can't believe this, casinos are still opened after a nuclear holocaust now that's is what I called determination to keep your business going."bimore replied

"Now all of you can give it a try if you want,if you don't want to try is find besides I don't think your family members will like seeing you gamble on live television."Jackson said

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,as you can see aside from buildings that is still standing the casino is still opened I can say las Vegas is still the city of sin even after a nuclear war looks like Vegas never changes."

Many Americans living in gate earth america breathe a sigh of relief  as seeing their being mostly spared from the nuclear war made them create memes online about how las Vegas is still standing after a nuclear war while the rest of America is in ruins.
That's not all as the housing industry of Las Vegas in gate earth saw a massive boom as many Americans living in other parts of the country soon try to find ways to get into las Vegas as seeing las Vegas is still standing after a nuclear war in fallout earth made many gate earth  americans to believe that in the event of a nuclear war las Vegas will spared from nukes.There is some others who joked about the casinos still opening after a nuclear war most of them and las Vegas still being a city of sin.Most of the viewers document their reaction in the comments section down below.

Comments section
"I see las Vegas still being a city of sin I guess something never change in a nuclear war."
"The housing industry will be booming after this no doubt many people will want to move to Las Vegas after seeing las Vegas in fallout earth being mostly spared from the bombs."
"Damm fallout earth casinos are something next level operating after a nuclear war damm,wonder do the workers of the casino get payed overtime."
A reply wrote"I think overtime meaning pay is how much radiation you are exposed to."
"I am curious what else is fallout america still hiding."
"I can see the future points of why one should move to Las Vegas is because of it surviving a nuclear war in fallout earth."

"Do you mind if we try out the casino?"Cody asked

"Sure,in fact many soldiers went to Las Vegas to relax and destress themselves after the war along with many citizens of america,well let's get you something you eat first before you try out the casino as the casino serves food one example is the gourmand,come I will take you there don't be worried,but you are not allowed to carry any weapons inside the casino"Jackson replied

Gate earth Personnel soon put their weapons in metal boxes after that they are allowed to enter the casino.

Jackson soon led the gate earth personnel and the media to the restaurant where they are served food by the restaurant the fee is payed by fallout US military.Reporters begin to narrate what is happening.

"This is Trevor from CNN,as you can see we are at the gourmand where we are served food,the food smells nice and taste good I would recommend it to the people of gate earth."

"Man,where do these meat from? considering I don't think many animals surviving the nuclear war."bimore said

"I don't know,hey at least better than no food right, don't waste food."Jackson said

This is live streamed to gate earth many people are surprised that there is restaurant in fallout earth as everyone in gate earth thought that the fallout america food would be mostly made of rations given by the military,this made many believe fallout america is not as hard as expected.Many express their reaction down in the comments section below.

Comments section
"I wonder what is Gordon Ramsey going to react to the cuisine of fallout america."
"This reminds me what does a deathclaw taste like?"
"Wonder how a mirelurk queen tastes like?"
"Wonder how a mirelurk taste like I think it will be mostly similar to crap as they are basically mutated craps."
"I want a deathclaw steak now!"
"Is the mutated animals of fallout america contain radiation?"

After the gate earth personnel and media eat the food at the restaurant they felt full not before long Jackson brought them to casino to try out gambling the fee is payed the fallout US military again.

"Damm I never would I have thought I would be gambling in a nuclear wasteland."A UN soldier said

"Yea man, gambling would be the very last thought in my mind after a nuclear war,Las Vegas is truly a city of sin."another UN soldier said

"Hey, Jackson do you gamble?"Cody asked

"Nah,I am not much of a gambling person"Jackson replied

Soon several fallout americans walked to towards Trevor the CNN reporter and asked him if he want to gamble with them Trevor refused saying he is a news reporter and not want to make a joke of himself.The fallout americans saw it and walked away Trevor breathe a sigh of relief at it,many saw it on livestream the reaction of the viewers is priceless

Comments section
"Gambling in a nuclear wasteland sounds like a fantasy."
"Fallout america is a wired place first, light switch waifus, stealth suit waifus,brains in robots and now gambling in a nuclear wasteland."

Dalmus hill (bunker hill)
PETA activist has infiltrated UN humanitarian aid services with one of it's leaders named alexia said"now we are going to fallout earth remember we are here to protest animal rights for the mutants of the wasteland remember what we are here to preach animal rights,now we are going to find ourselves a deathclaw and a mirelurk queen nest after that we glue ourselves to the nest so that if the fallout US military want to kill them those poor animals they must kill us first.Next all of us are animals activist so don't call the animals of wasteland mutated animals as that is offensive we must show compassion to the animals of the wasteland so they won't kill us remember love trumips all we must try to reason with the mutated creatures of the wasteland."The other PETA activist nodded and begin to carry out their plan.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Ultra-Luxe casino reference

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