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Upon hearing the the news of the 95000 imperial troops who retreated away from the enemy zorzal was furious and ordered the 95000 troops to march back to the dalmus river to kill the the otherworlders. The 95000 troops then march back to where the dalmus river and begin to charge fallout america lines.

Jackson said"They came back? These saderan are the bravest men I have ever met takes a lot of guts to march straight to a machine gun line."

Artillery fired shell after shell onto the mass of men killing dozen in one fell swoop yet they still came for every 1 soldier who fell to artillery 10 more take his place.Snipers with 50cal rifle begin to take shots at the enemy officers many imperial troops saw their officers head just blow up as the 50cal bullet tore it's face off.

When the 800m is reached R91 assault rifle,all American assault rifle,50cal machine guns,laser machine guns,guass rifle opened in a whirlwind of death the storm of lead immediately turn the frontline troops of the Saderan army into nothing but red mist. Many saderan soldiers can be seen screaming in pain only to be shot or hit by a artillery shell ending their suffering.

Vertibirds take off from dalmus hill and commit mini nuke runs at the enemy killing thousands more as the mini nuke fell by the dozens onto imperial troops the last thing the sadera troops see who is caught in the mini nuke run is the light of a newborn star.

Laser machine guns turn men to ash by the dozens if not but the hundreds causing the imperial army to lose morale. James who is shooting his laser rifle at the enemy said"Keep it up boys remember don't let them cross the river!" Andrew replied"I don't think they can cross the river look at the amount of ordnance we are currently throwing at them.Jackson said"don't be complacent just because we have superior weaponry does not mean we are invincible."

"Reloading!" Jackson shouted as he reloaded his all American assault rifle he look at the ground all he can see are bullet casings littering his position.He then thought each of these bullet casings must have at least killed at least one imperial troops he then felt for sorry but that though is quickly brushed away as he remembered this a empire that practice slavery.With renewed vigor he then activated VATS time seemed to slow them for him he then chose his target and fired his all American assault rifle in full auto hitting all his targets in the head killing the imperial troops instantly.Even with all of this death they march forward to their position. Jackson said"screw this,call in a gas barrage on these sobs."Jackson then requested a gas barrage immediately he hear the artillery shell containing mustard gas hit the imperial formation.Thousands of troops fell prey to the toxic gas as their begin to melt due to corrosive of the chemical.Those who breath in the gas face even more pain as the gas then begin to eat their way of their body so painful were of this experience those affected by the gas run forward to fallout america position hoping to be killed by fallout america troops which they did a bullet or lasers or a coilgun.

The fallout america fighter jets F 108 rapier then begin to zoom towards imperial forces and unleash their payloads of plasma bombs.The scene was immediately changed to a sea of greenish plasma consuming thousands of men instantly, Andrew cheered at the sight and said"The imperial army must be retreating with all these carnage handed to them." But out of their fires imperial troops still march forward towards their position, Randall Clark said"what how are they still coming? we have at least killed thousands of their men yet they are still coming!"
Jackson said"does not matter put more firepower onto the legions of men that is charging our lines going to call more firebombing and strafing run."
The F 108 rapier then came back and unleash more plasma bombs on the imperial army killing thousands more but after finishing dropping their payloads of plasma bombs,the jet then begin to open up its  4 HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons the laser cannons deadly work can be felt immediately the laser cannons carved vast swath of men into nothing but cinders with some some of the ground turn to glass due to high temperature of the lasers,the barrage of laser cannons continued for another 20 minutes killing tens of thousands the 95000 troops that charge the dalmus river is all but killed.

Back at sadera palace
A messager then run towards the throne room where zorzal reside.
Zorzal said"how the battle do we managed to win?" The messager replied"My lord I fear-" zorzal cut the messager said"Good,we have instilled fear into this fallout america the otherworlders of alnus hill seemed to be calling them." The messager said"My lord 95000 troops you resend to the dalmus river is completely destroyed." Zorzal then screamed"impossible how dare you say we lost I am chosen by the gods I have never lost a single battle in my life,guards take this filth of spreading lies to the execution block make an example of him."
The guards do as told with the messager saying" I am not lying your majesty I am telling the truth-" only for a guard to cut off his tounge.
Just at this time another messager came in and said"My lord I bring grave news rondel has been destroyed." Zorzal said"another one spreading lies,guards take this filth as well." The messager begged for mercy only for the guards to chop his head of with a sword. Zorzal said"I hereby draft a new rule those who spread defeatist ideal or news are to be excuted and I hereby challenge fallout america to a game of cruelty see who is more cruel than the other."
The scribe then wrote down what zorzal said and begin to deliver the challenge of who can be more cruel to fallout america as zorzal thinks the only way he save his humiliation under colonel Johnson is to challenge fallout america to a game of cruelty.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Info on the F 108 rapier

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