Best of both worlds

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"This is John from fox news,the Pentagon had just released a statement saying that the US military is trying to incorporate fallout america military technology into gate earth US military as fallout america technology seems to be extremely durable as evident as some equipment is still able to work even after a nuclear war.The army is interested in these durability of weapons. Joining me is general Abraham please explain to me how will these technology be incorporated to the current US military?"

"Well for starters,the durability as mentioned as it survived a nuclear war which is something which caught my eye and secondly is the reduced in maintenance as the weapons of fallout america requires little maintenance to operate and can last for a very long time.The thing is look at the bigger picture fallout earth and gate earth is different from one another, fallout earth focus their tech on nuclear power but did not focus in reducing resource consumption and minimizing technology while we gate earth focus on minimizing tech and to reduce resource consumption" Abraham said

"So is there any examples of how you will be incorporating fallout technology into gate earth US military?"John asked

"We are trying to incorporate one these technology into the A-10 as the A 10 fires depleted uranium rounds onto a enemy we are looking if we can change it to fire lasers or plasma with fallout technology."Abraham replied

"I have come to the end of the interview thank you for your time general Abraham."John said

"The pleasure is all mine"Abraham replied

"This is John from fox news if you want more on how gate earth US military is trying to incorporate fallout US military lasers weaponry onto gate earth US military please support us as we will bring you more about this as always this is John from fox news goodbye."

Comments section
"The brrrrrrrt is getting an upgrade to lasers now dies commies!"
"Can you smell it? democracy"
"Best of both worlds."
"America hell yea"
"Stop it you are turning me on as the aspect of a A-10 warthog armed with lasers makes one horny"
"The democracy is a wonderful drug"

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC, joining me is military experts and historian expert James Wilson as he explains how fallout tech can help gate earth US military remain a superpower in this world."

"Thank you.Fallout technology and gate earth technology is literally a match made in heaven as both technology readily complement each other like two pieces of the puzzle let me explain first of all our technology such as our cell phones or computers breaks down within a few years but fallout computer is extremely hard to break down as some of them is still operational after a nuclear war.Fallout technology requires little to no maintenance but requires a lot of resources to make while gate earth technology does not require that much resources to make but breaks down if there is not enough maintenance but if you can combine fallout technology in toughness,little maintenance and the duration to last for a long time and gate earth technology where resource consumption can be minimized you then will have a extremely efficienct computer. So it basically cancels out each other weakness making it a extremely reliable piece of technology."

"So how does this tie in with military equipment?"Sofia asked

"You know most of us military budget goes to maintenance of military equipment around 43% of it so that is a lot of money.Fallout military requires little maintenance and can withstand harsh weather which is evident by their operation after a nuclear where most of their maintenance facilities must have been nuked and yet these military equipment works like that just pulled from storage and if we can incorporate this toughness and little maintenance feature into our gate earth US military we can then cut down on the cost of maintenance and spend it on researching on even better military weapons and equipment.This will no doubt increase US military power might around the world."

"Wow,I don't know that fallout tech can make such a big impact on our earth."Sofia said

"I know although their technology seems to be in the 1950s one should never judge a book by its cover."James Wilson said

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC we have come to the end of our interview if you want more how fallout tech can change our lives please continue to watch MSNBC as we work tirelessly to bring you content."

Comments section
"A match made in heaven"
"Fallout america military technology together with america military technology combine together the ultimate democracy duo."
"What's the power level of the us military now?"
"Power level is over 9000"

"This is Trevor from CNN, according to reports from the special region it seems that fallout america has taken over a fort called fort Orion and killed around 30000 imperial troops with the aid of a giant military robots spouting anti communist propaganda it seems hard to believe it I think I will get you decide on it here is the footage." Trevor then showed the footage of liberty prime.

Liberty prime in the footage can be seen throwing nuclear bombs and firing lasers from its eyes while chanting" Liberty Prime is online. All systems nominal. Weapons hot. Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists."Obstruction detected, composition: titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probability of mission hindrance: zero percent!"Communism is the very definition of failure!"
"Chairman Cheng will fail. China will fall.""Embrace democracy, or you will be eradicated.""Democracy will never be defeated!"

The footage then ends everyone around is the shocked at liberty prime but china president is furious beyond and throw his laptop out of the window.

Comments section
"This makes me want to fight for america even if I am not a american citizen."
"This makes me want to join the US military."
"A giant robot spouting anti-communist propaganda and throwing a nuclear bomb is the most American thing to me"
"Liberty prime the very embodiment of America."
"Liberty prime for president slogan Freedom is the sovereign right of American."
"Liberty prime 2020!"
"Fallout america is still a beast it is even after a nuclear war as they managed to take a enemy fort."

The reveal of liberty prime made many Americans feel patriotic and went to join the US military,the enlistment rate went through the roof as general Abraham stated on Twitter"This is the highest rate of enlistment in the military in 20 years I did not know that a giant robot spouting anti-communist propaganda can make Americans join the military looks like we need to work on our military ads."

Comment sections
"Fallout america teaching america how to do a military ad."
"I am joining the US military"
"Embrace democracy or you will be eradicated."
""Obstruction detected, composition: titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probability of mission hindrance: zero percent!"
"Patriots unite!"

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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