Operation link up part 2

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"What! are you telling me that the city of herm is taken?"Zorzal shouted

"Yes,your highness the city of herm fell yesterday to the otherworlders."the messenger said

General atlas of the imperial army came into the throne room and said"Your highness we may have lost an important part of our water supply but we still have other places to get water from and I have seemed to found something useful to use against the otherworlders."

"What is it?"Zorzal said

"The slaves we captured from the world of dalmus hill and alnus hill they seemed to not target their people,so my plan is we put the otherworlders slaves and tie them into our army so that if the otherworlders want to kill us,they must first kill their people."General atlas said

"That's a good idea general,and after that we invade the world of dalmus hill and alnus hill, sadera will have multiple worlds under our grasp."zorzal said

"Legate Doras, I hereby order you to ensure that the otherworlders of dalmus hill and alnus hill don't link up as that will be a disaster,due to the importance of the mission I allocate you the army strength of a 100000 men"General atlas said

"No problem,I am going to use the slaves we captured from alnus hill and dalmus hill as human shields."Legate Doras said

Dalmus hill (bunker hill)
"It seemed that the imperials is using human shields,from the recon plane we sent, it seems that they are putting american and even japanese slaves into their ranks by tying them to the carriages of the imperial army,get me captain Samuel Jackson" William Wales said

Soon a hologram of captain Jackson appeared and said"Sir what do you need?"

"Captain,it seemed that the imperials are using american and japanese slaves as human shields as evident by these."William showed Jackson the imperials purposefully putting american and japanese slaves onto their ranks by tying them to carriages or dragged by the collar.

"Sir,may I suggest something? This may be a good opportunity for us."Jackson said

"How is this a good opportunity, now we can't use our full might against them."William said

"Since there are japanese slaves there I suggest we conduct a rescue mission.I suggest we use stealth suits to inflictrate enemy lines,sow confusion and then we save the slaves.Sir,since the imperials seemed to be using our people as slaves as meat shields we are going to terrify them to death,we will sent soldiers equipped with stealth suits and kill officers,when we rescue the japanese slaves we will surely gain some good PR."Jackson said

"Now that's a good plan, captain don't worry we will be sending you some stealth suits by night fall."William said

"Sir,I also request several vertibirds to be on standby so that we can quickly get in and out."Jackson said

"I will make the necessary arrangements don't worry."William said

The conversation soon ended the hologram of captain Jackson disappeared.

"Alright listen up all of you,later at night will be rescuing slaves and some of those slaves are japanese so which means that if we succeed in this mission we will be having some good PR,but due to my plans only a few of us will be carrying out the mission."Jackson said

"About damm time,we rescue our people."Randall Clark said

Soon nightfall soon came, Jackson and the others he chose for the mission received their stealth suits,they wore it with no difficulty.

"It seems weird to be wearing commie tech."Andrew said

"In war,you gotta do what you need to win."James said

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