Act of war

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General William Wales immediately got the report that the enemy at the gate has been taken care off, general William Wales immediately is required to give a speech to the americans that has survive the great war but it is needed to calm surviving americans. "My fellow Americans today we were attacked by legions resembling the roman empire and they declares that the united states of America belongs to them and their emperor guess what, the waste ate them and our fellow patriots took them out with american steel, we pushed them back to where they came from as some of the last highest ranking general that has survived the great war I hereby declare war upon the saderan empire they will pay in blood for invading us without warning." Due to the nuclear war most of the america government and senate is wiped out,the american president is nowhere to be found some speculate that they maybe hiding in a oil rig but that is just rumors no one has heard from the president even months before the bombs fell.The american military before 2077 has been granted total power over the nation as martial law is enacted throughout the country protest is common but were crushed by American soldiers firing on civilians like the Boston riots.

Colonel Johnson immediately ordered his men cross the gate but he decide to give a speech to his men."Those roman wannabes invaded america thinking that we are weak due to us being in a war 3 years ago and you know what happened?"
Colonel Johnson men shouted"what happened!?"
"We kicked their asses back through the gate but this is just the beginning,I have reports of America civilians being turned to slaves,we will go through the gate and get them back even if we have to turn the world to a radioactive pile of ash"Colonel Johnson said

"Sir I have a question are we supposed to follow the geneva convention that our ancestors followed"ask a fellow soldier.
Colonel Johnson immediately replied"no son we won't be following the geneva convention besides the roman wannabes didn't follow it either so why should we? speaking of the Geneva convention we are allowed to use chemical and biological weapons on these savages."

The us military has a huge stockpile of chemical weapons and biological weapons as they were frequently used by the american military during the sino american war most notably the battle of Nanjing where american forces lured PLA troops into the city where they were firebomed and shelled by chemical munitions fired by American warships ,after the battle america soldiers saw PLA troops with serious deformity as the chemical melted their bodies off.

Legate Caesar pov
"Sir! the otherworlder has crossed the gate we need to respond now" a imperial soldier shouted. "Rally the men and charge up the hill we will overwhelm them through sheer numbers and get the weyerns to attack the enemy by air!"

The journey through the gate is dark and long,when soldiers finally reached the other side, soldiers in power armor rush forth to provide heavy support for the troops.Sargeant Randall Clark immediately shouted"enemy sighted, set up the machine guns now!" American soldiers begun to do as told machine guns were set up the m2 browning were set up.The 50 cal machine gun begins to rain down lead down dalmus hill,40000 troops raced up the hill to wipe out the otherworlder at dalmus hill.Captain Samuel Jackson shouted"snipers take out the officers of the imperial army!"snipers armed with 50cal sniper rifles immediately took action and fired. One bullet is all it takes to for the imperial officers head to burst like a over ripe melon.
Many imperial officers caught up to this and hop off their horses to blend in with their men.The imperial army hits the 800m mark and Randall Clark immediately ordered the soldiers to fire their assault rifle so destructive was this wall of lead that the imperial army immediately haulted shocked at the devastation caused by the otherworldly army making it easy pickings for the us military as motar shells rain down on imperial forces, chemical munitions fired by American artillery caused the death of many imperial troops. After recovering from the initial shock they began to charge up the hill trying to cover the remaining distance between them and the us military just as this was happening imperial weyerns swoop down from the sky to burn america forces alive, but laser anti aircraft took care the weyerns with many of them crashing onto the ground below

Legate Caesar pov
What is this magic!? The entire weyerns corp at dalmus hill is wiped out by bright lights that turn weyerns to ash, staves that rip a men apart with no effort and iron golem that mow down thousand of men with no effort i must report this to the emperor at once!

Legate Caesar immediately order a messager at once and said"you must warn the emperor about what happened we must adopt and steal their weapons to make the war fairer"
The messager immediately nodded but before he can react a chemical shell containing mustard gas hit their position and immediately begin to melt away their inside

The battle was won for the us military many us military members is shocked that an army with swords and spears charge a army with high tech laser weapons.After the battle tens of thousand of corpses lay around dalmus hill.Cleaning is done by robots such as Sargent gusty.

Captain Samuel Jackson sat down in a trench recently dug by us troops and begin to strip and clean his all American assault rifle so that his rifle won't fail him in times of need. His men immediately begin to do the same cleaning and maintaining weapons in case another attack happened as the saying goes better safe than sorry.

Back at sadera
"What we faced is an unparalleled disaster your highness we sent hundreds of thousands of troops to conquer the world at alnus hill and dalmus hill most of them are dead and those who survive speaks of magic that tore men into pieces,iron elephant that spew dark magic,iron pegasus that reaps the souls of men and lastly iron golem that turned men to ash. We must start negotions at once!" Senator casel El tirberus said.
A imperial general immediately stand up and said"negotiate with the enemy,what this dishonor shall not go unpunished we shall send more men to wear down their defenses,we can easily muster a million men to march on both alnus and dalmus hill at once!"

Emperor molt sigh he hate going to senate meetings, emperor molt immediately raised his hands and said "Yes this is the darkest time in saderan history but when sadera is faced with danger the people unite against the enemy,I hereby declare that we shall sent the vassal states to to retake the hill of alnus and dalmus"

Casel El Tiberius said"your highness it will be a bloodbath" molt replied"that exactly the point we are weak now so we must get rid of those who posed a threat to us and I also hereby decree that we conduct a scorched earth policy to deny our enemy of resources" the pro war faction cheered at the response molt gave,but the pro peace faction did not clap.
Little did they know by fighting both the jsdf and the us military remants will bring an end to the empire.

2 week after emperor molt decree that the vassal states to assault aluns hill and dalmus hill.The vassal states decided they will split the force of 200000 men to assault each of the hill so alnus and dalmus hill will be assaulted with a force of 100000 men each

Fallout belongs to
Bethesda Softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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