Exploring New Vegas part 4, Gomorrah part 2

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"we are now at the zora club it is basically a VIP lunge which overlooks the main brimstone club. It contains a few pool tables, another bar and  private offices."Jackson said

"So it's a premium place?"bimore said

"Yes,not much to explore around here,feel free to take a look around here after that we will be visiting the Courtyard."Jackson said

The gate earth personnel begin to explore the zora club,after finishing exploring the zora club they begin to follow Jackson to the courtyard and one of them suddenly asked a question.

"So Jackson what is this 'courtyard' give us a summary."Cody said

"The courtyard is an open area surrounded by small, individual huts and rooms. The courtyard has a shallow pool in the center, as well as palm trees and other vegetation,oh by the way may I remind the media that there is prostitutes here so I recommend the media to put your rating here to mature as I heard your earth has something called'mature content'."Jackson said

The gate earth personnel chuckled at the thought of it as fallout earth most likely has no idea what mature content is after the nuclear war until Cody spoke up.

"Wait you have prostitutes even after a nuclear war!?"Cody said

"Yea,when the bombs fell life can be extremely tough, radiation, mutants and crazy people everyday tries to kill you.Many people come here to relief their stress."Jackson said

The media soon set their rating to mature content on their Livestream and promise not to flim explicit things to prevent them from getting sued for spreading uncensored content back to gate earth.The viewers are not happy with this decision with many expressing their dissatisfaction in the comments section below.

Comments section
"Come on man,we are going to the fun part and you just decide to censor it.I rate this 1/5.
"Damm it, I was waiting for this."
"Don't make me sneak into fallout earth."
A reply wrote"You will most likely die of radiation poisoning before you even get to New Vegas."

Upon entering the Gomorrah courtyard, gate earth personnel can see many huts and prostitutes walking around in very revealing clothing the media team then begin the censor the prostitutes or just blur them to ensure that their content remain friendly.

"Well you can enjoy yourselves in the courtyard if you want I will not stop you."Jackson said

While walking by the courtyard colonel Cody one of the green beret sent to fallout earth is approached by a prostitute.The prostitutes then identified herself as Anna and ask that if he want to sleep with her.
Colonel Cody looked around and see the media attention away from him

"So you are from another earth where the bombs did not fall,so your earth is free from radiation right?"Anna asked

"Yes,why?"Cody replied

"I will become your wife if you
promise to take me out of this nuclear scorched hell hole that my world has become."Anna said

"I can't,I am sorry the most is I can do is sleep with you even with that I can get in trouble.My world has approved of aid send to your world to rebuilt it. So your world can technically can recover from it."Cody replied

Upon hearing this Anna grunted and walked away, Cody breathe a sigh of relief as he know that he is  representing his nation abroad and would not like sullied his nation image as he don't want to suffer the same fate as the secret service agents that protected president Obama.As secret service agents in April 2012, when President Obama traveled to Cartagena, Colombia, for the Summit of the Americas. While there, a number of Secret Service agents, DEA agents, and members of the armed forces assigned to the president's security detail brought prostitutes back to their hotel rooms. The respective agencies ran their own investigations and agreed upon punishments. The three DEA agents who hired prostitutes were reprimanded but kept their jobs; ten Secret Service agents lost their jobs, either through dismissal, early retirement, or forced resignation; and twelve service members were either nonjudicially punished, reprimanded, or asked for courts-martial.Which colonel Cody wished to avoid such a fate as he has invested years into his career and would not like to ruin in just a few hours.

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