Hollywood and games

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"This is clark from IGN,warner bros have just released a movie called fallout Paris resistance it is one of the most hype movies of the year as it is about the french army resisting the German army during the European civil wars which is part of the resource wars in fallout earth where European nations turn on each other,it has a good ratings on rotten tomatoes with a critic score of 80% and an audience score of 96%.Let me read some of the reviews a movie critic which goes by the name of Ilovemovies says"it is a refreshing turnaround about the resource wars as most of the games made about fallout earth is about sino american war but it forget about the early stages of the war which is in my opinion just as important as the sino american war which we all know led to the nuclear war."Another movie critic says"This movie could have increased it's rating of it could have been longer." I am your host Clark from IGN I will be seeing all of you folks soon.

Comments section
"Seen the movie it is great!"
"Wait so the french did not surrender it must be inaccurate.Just joking
A reply wrote"The french surrender joke is getting old as a matter of fact France won most the wars it fought."
"I like seeing the cold war futuristic version of France.My favourite topics about history."
"From what I am getting from fallout earth, fallout earth seemed to be stuck in a cold war era mindset before the bombs fell."
"Viva la France!"

Disney tweeter account just posted a tweet saying"We will be making a fallout earth cinematic universe with cooperation with warner bros due to the scale of the project.We the people of Disney will be making a movie about fallout china expansionist wars,while warner bros will be making about fallout america annexations of Mexico,the invasion of Greenland, lastly the annexation of Canada.We will not reveal any of the characters name as it will be reaching spoiler territory."
The comments section run wild as many people especially americans is thrilled about the seeing the resource wars come to live on the big screen.

Comments section
"Fallout resource war movie let's go!"
"I wonder will they be able to capture the scale of the sino american war as based on the history of the sino american war is beyond comprehendsion as the war is just basically the Pacific war on steroids   fought by the two superpower nations with sci Fi tech on a frontline stretching from Alaska to the countries annexed by china and finally ending with the invasion of mainland china and grueling down of the chinese army over 4 years on their own soil. 11 years of conflict which will most likely be the costliest war fallout america fought in her history before the bombs fell."
A reply wrote"That's sounds epic, gruelling down of the Chinese army on the their own soil for 4 years before atomic annihilation the way you phrase it sounds like a good way to sell the movie."
Another reply wrote"You know what sounds more epic as the amount of land fallout america conquered will be equivalent to the size of Germany and france put together"
Another reply wrote"Sweet lord,my mind has been blown by the scale of the war I hope Disney and warner bros do it justice."
Another reply wrote"don't forget that both sides don't care about the Geneva Convention and actively use chemical and biological weapons on each other,combined with mini nukes, lasers and anything weird fallout earth has."
"Disney and warner bros please do not mess up the movie as it will be a insult to those who died."

"This is Clark from IGN,it me your favorite host, dice had just released the fallout game called 'Fallout left behind' it's about a fallout american soldier making his way back to  america after the bombs fell as the protagonist will need to fight through hordes of ghouls and other irritated creatures.The game has a score of 8/10 on the review page, a critic which goes by the name of falloutfan79 says"I love the gameplay especially the simulation mode,it really captures the horror of the nuclear war that plaques fallout earth."

Comments section
"You are late IGN the game is released a week ago."
"I have already completed the game"
"My favorite part of the game is when you have to fend off thousands of Chinese soldiers turn to ghouls while inside a power armor shooting your laser gatling gun at the ghoulified Chinese soldiers."
"People have already completed the game lol."
"Dice and Activision must be drooling about fallout earth history as the amount of wars occured in fallout earth is enough for both companies to make a fortune for years to come as there is lots of war to cover."

"This is Clark from IGN, Activision has released it's long waited hype up video game called 'Fallout freedom' in which you basically you play as a US soldier where you help liberate countries annexed by china during the expansionist wars and spreading democracy and freedom to everywhere you go.Activsion also added a dlc to the game for free called the 'The sounds of liberty' campaign it is about the liberation of Japan.Other dlcs is still unknown as the other campaign released by Activision is called 'The fall of the red dragon' which is about the invasion of mainland china.According to rumors Activision is planning to add a commie zombie mode as instead of killing Nazi zombies you are killing commie zombies. Critic have rate it a 8/10. A critic called it 'The ultimate patriotic game in america history'
Another critic said 'The game could have been better if the campaign is longer especially for the "The fall of the red dragon' which is about the invasion of mainland china"
Another critic said"This game is a must play as it gives you the feeling of patriotism for america and it captures the scale of the war."

Comments section
"Commie zombies?The lore is realistic as the radiation from the nukes rot away the person brain turning them into hate filled abominations."
"Activision I hope the rumor is true about the commie zombies mode as I want to kill some commie zombies as an American!"
"The sounds of liberty' campaign is really good,it captures the horror the japanese people been through under china control before it's liberation by the US military."
"This game made me want to join the US military."
"Dice and Activision must be drooling about fallout earth history as the amount of wars occured in fallout earth is enough for both companies to make a fortune for years to come as there is lots of war to cover."
A reply wrote"I saw you in the other comments section page stop spamming although I agree with your opinion as the gaming industry will be set for years to come as no doubt that the gaming industry will want to milk fallout earth."
"I am waiting about oil memes about fallout america."
"Why has people not made memes about fallout america especially about oil?"
"Fallout america and oil is basically smaug relation with the treasure of the lonely mountain in the hobbit as both react fiercely if their treasure is taken."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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