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Jackson and his men went to gate earth us base,along with them they brought robots such as Sargent gusty, sentry bots,protectron and assaulttron last but not least laser, weapons and guass rifle. The media is trying to get ready their equipment as they begin to double check their cameras as they don't want to miss filming sci Fi tech.

"All right this is the guass rifle it uses electromagnetic coils to shoot projectile basically a railgun use as a sniper during the sino american war, alright let's demostrate the weapon."Jackson replied
Andrew nodded and aim the guass rifle at the target, the projectile fired with blue sparks coming of it. A reporter asked"what is that blue stuff?" Andrew said"electricity due to the high power of the coils."

Comments section
"I want one"
"My 2nd amendment gives me the
right to own a railgun."

"Now James will be showing of his laser rifle James." Jackson said
"My laser rifle is powered by a fusion cell,now I will show you the power of laser rifles." James then shot his laser rifle at his target the target immediately turn to ash as the heat of the lasers are thousands of degrees."

The things that impressed gate earth the most is the pip boy storing technology as many were shocked as Jackson and his men just materialize weapons out of nowhere. "This is Trevor from CNN can I ask how it works because this breaks the law of physics." James said"I don't know need to ask the creator of the pip boy."
Randall Clark said"pip boy can increase your accuracy as let me show you." Jackson nodded and sent several moving targets and Randall Clark sent his R91 assault rifle to full auto and shot it normally when one goes full auto they will lose accuracy but the shots all hit their target in the bulleye.Many were shocked at the accuracy Randall Clark. "This is John from fox news how did you do that?"
Randall Clark replied"pip boy has a function called vats which stands for vault tech assisted targeted system this increase accuracy to destroy the enemy without using too much resources it is useful in taking out mutants as mutants require several shots to take it down." Everyone was shocked fallout america has aimbot hacks?

Comments section
"Aimbot is real"
"Hacks in real life 101"
"What crazy tech is fallout america still hiding?"

Jackson then dematerialize a small suitcase and said" this is a geck or known as the garden of Eden creation kit,it basically terraform an area from radiation makes it habitable again but it is extremely rare" The revelation of the geck sends shockwaves to the world as this means the fukisima disaster and Chernobyl incident can be resolved."This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC so this tech allows one to terraform an area away from radiation?" Jackson replied"yes, but is hard to make due to this most of fallout america is still filled with radiation and mutants."

Comments section
"I can visit Chernobyl without the radiation"
"Japan can now heal from the radiation disaster it suffered in the 2011 tsunami."
"Hope fallout america share this tech."
"Sci Fi wars Activision make a video game on the resource war already!"

President dirrel said"will be sharing this holy grail of tech?" Jackson replied"I need permission from president Daniel as fallout america need this tech in the thousands to heal ."

"Now we will be presenting sentry bots, Sargent gusty, assaulttron, protectron." The demonstration then started as the robots easily destroy their target making many gate earth American generals thinking how theses robots will be used on the battlefield.

Comments section
"I want one"
"Robots fighting for america hell yeah"
"Anymore robots for america."

The whole world is shocked at fallout american technology although their design look primitive they are actually far advanced than earth robots.Many American speculate that of one should move back to the 1950s era of America exceptlism.many argued as this what led to the war in the first place as hoarding tech cause the nuclear war.

"Tensions between Europe and the middle east is high as hearing the fate of their counterpart spark off protest worldwide, the terror group known as isis is making gains and becoming more extreme as they are now killing any westerners on sight beheading them immediately.This has sparked tensions as many European begin to elect far right politicians onto position of power with one far right politician said"This cannot continue Europe must defend herself." Many Europeans are now supporting tightening middle east migrants to Europe preventing them from seeking asylum many human rights organization say that the revelation of our post apocalyptic counter part should not be cause when one abandon their humanity.but many Europeans did not listen but continue to support far right extremist.This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC signing out."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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