Atomic fury

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City of Madrid
"Sir,so you want me to go to sadera and make zorzal surrender,you know he won't do it right."Jackson said

"I know he won't but if we nuke zorzal without giving zorzal to surrender.The international committee on gate earth will say we are an imperialist nation and gate earth china will no doubt use this opportunity to destroy fallout america on the international stage saying they care for the lives lost by fallout america cruel expansionist wars, something like that."general William Wales said

"So the non-combatants and slaves are saved?"Jackson asked

"Yes as we speak we doing a headcount to see if all has been rescued,now carry out the orders I give you."general William Wales said

"Randall Clark, Andrew and James on me."Jackson said

Beside Jackson is colonel Johnson and his men in their freedom class power armor

All of them ready their freedom class power armor or the 'angels of death' the locals,jsdf troops call it.

The jetpacks at the back of the power armor begins to burn,streaks of fire come out of those jetpacks,the ground shook at the power involved and the 'angels of death' shot up high in the sky.

"Time to make our way towards sadera."Jackson through his coms

"Got it sir"Andrew replied

"Let's go then,also change your voice module to sound deep and terrifying!"Jackson shouted through his coms

Jackson squad and colonel Johnson as well with his men took of from the city of Madrid and make their way towards sadera at mach 3.The sky is filled with a extremely loud extremely sonic boom that made many cover their ears.

"All of you summon out your plasma scythe now so we can look intimating."Jackson said

Immediately Randall Clark, Andrew, James, colonel Johnson and his men summon their plasma scythe,the plasma scythe glowed white and yellow.

The wind whip around their power armor as they fly through the sky with unmatched might like a angel soaring through the heavens.

After flying for 19 seconds Jackson, Randall Clark, Andrew,James and colonel Johnson with his men arrived at sadera.

"We need to make an entrance."James said

"I know what to do just act like a angry angel,I am going to blast the throne room opened."Jackson said

Jackson then swung his plasma scythe at the throne room roof,the roof of the throne room is destroyed by the plasma scythe,the glass at the throne room melted,the rock glow red hot

Sadera throne room

"The otherworlders is almost on us! Even after we made a deal with hardy ,we still lost to them!"general atlas shouted

"I got a plan."Zorzal said

"So what is the plan?"moltose asked

"Released all of our host on the otherworlders at the city of Madrid."zorzal said

"Your highness!the otherworlders have moved!they are only 20km away from sadera!"a imperial soldier rushed in and shouted

"That means that the otherworlders is at the plains of sadera where everything outside of the city is flat!with no obstacles."general atlas shouted.

"What!Fine my plan changes released all of our host on the otherworlders approaching us now!"Zorzal shouted

"Of course your highness."the imperial soldier shouted.

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