Game of politics

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UN meeting
"The president of the united states of America have called for a meeting, according to president dirrel, more history of the resources war have been recovered."The secretary general said

"Yes,more history of the wars have been recovered by my post apocalyptic counter part,may I welcome president Daniel of fallout america."dirrel said

"Thank you president dirrel for handing me the podium."Daniel said

"Well for starters,let me tell you the fate of most of southeast Asia during the resources war,to nations that has border dispute with china saying that china is encroaching on your territory I say you are right infact I would recommend to spend more on your military."Daniel said

"What do you mean by that you fascist america."president Dong Dechou said

"Well for starters china during the resource war invaded many countries,not only Japan.China invaded mongolia,Japan, whole of Korea, Indochina which is Vietnam,Burma,Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia."president Daniel said

The world is shocked,the UN secretary general asked president Daniel to elaborate more about the conflict.

"Well,let begin with Vietnam,The war began with a series of firebombing raids conducted by the PLAAF targeting military-industrial and civilian infrastructure that had been identified by Chinese infiltrators. These raids were followed by landings by Chinese paratroopers all over the country, cutting Indochinese lines of supply and communication and seriously hampering the ability of the Indochinese military to resist the invasion.

After this airborne phase, Chinese ground forces would storm across the northern border, quickly overrunning the Indochinese outposts. The Chinese advanced at break-neck speed advancing as fast as they could.

Indochina's second largest city Hanoi was soon in Chinese sights. A fierce battle would ensue with fanatic Indochinese troops fighting to the last man in the urban ruins. Chinese troops would increasingly rely on mass artillery strikes on enemy positions, which caused significant collateral damage and civilian losses. This was nevertheless deemed acceptable by the Chinese leadership.

Hanoi fell after three weeks of intense fighting, and the Chinese flag flew undisturbed atop its smoking rubble. This effectively broke Indochinese resistance in the north, and the Chinese advanced with limited resistance towards Saigon, the Indochinese capital. They reached the outskirts of the city in late October 2050, and it was there that the remainder of the Indochinese military regrouped to make one final stand against the Chinese menace.

The battle of Saigon would be the bloodiest of the short war, with the Indochinese military effectively turning the capital into a fortress. After a week of bombardment Chinese troops would begin attacking the outer defenses, but they met with fierce resistance, not only from the Indochinese military, but also from civilian militia. Chinese troops would take heavy casualties as they slowly pierced the outer defenses.

The slow pace and heavy losses during the battle of Saigon began to concern General Yang, who - fearing that prolonging the conflict for too long could bring other countries in - ordered the use of chemical weapons against the city. This edge allowed the Chinese to finally capture the city after a full two months of fighting in December 2050. This would bring about the official end of the conflict.

But in 2074 american troops came to Vietnam and liberated Vietnam from Chinese rule.

Now let's move on to Korea,when I mean Korea I mean the entire Korean peninsula is annexed not just south Korea but north Korea as well now-"before president Daniel can continue any further,china president Dong Dechou screamed"I have a problem secretary general fallout america is threatening me."

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