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"fallout america economy is in shambles we need to find a way jumpstart the economy." President Daniel said. General William Wales said"I recommend selling Mr handy to gate earth to earn some needed cash to jumpstart the economy after the resource war from 2052 to 2077."
President Daniel replied"I agree call president dirrel for me I would like to begin the sale of Mr handy to gate america."

Fallout america troops set up a communication device with president dirrel.The voice of president dirrel can heard on the speaker. President Daniel said"President dirrel I would like to introduce your america to Mr handy but with a price as we need to jumpstart economy after the nuclear war." Dirrel replied"you mean the robot butler?" Daniel replied"Yes,I am willing to sell Mr handy to get some badly needed cash to get my america economy going as even before the bombs fell my nation economy is on the brink,the bombs then just completely broke it."

President dirrel though to himself and said"Why don't you come back to the white house to discuss it as you went back to fallout america to manage things."

President Daniel said"ok I will go to gate america besides not everyday one get to see 2 presidents of the united states."

The preparation for president Daniel to go to gate earth was planned carefully with power armor troops as bodyguards to prevent assassination as fallout america has made many enemies in gate earth especially china. After china heard what happened to their counterpart in fallout earth,they began a smear campaign against fallout america saying that fallout america is responsible for the nuclear war saying that if america has shared it's oil reserves and advanced technology the war would have been avoided.
The ambassador of china said"It's very clear that fallout america is responsible for the nuclear war as after fallout america liberated Anchorage what do they do? Instead of stopping the invasion of china they poured even more america troops into mainland china.China is basically defenseless after the loss of Alaska but they still continued to push deeper to mainland china,what gives fallout america to invade china? I get it china invaded america but does it justify america invading china when china is on its last legs that's the equivalent to beating your opponent in boxing until they can't walk even when the referee is calling a stop to it, that's bullying! Two wrongs does not make it right, fallout america is the worst as it did not show compassion to china." There is no comment to reply to as the comment section is closed to prevent hate speech against china.

President Daniel went through the gate and to gate america where he was welcome with a great show america military might. President Daniel saw the USS Antietam and said"This reminds me of the USS Georgia" president dirrel asked"USS Georgia?" President Daniel said"Yes,USS Georgia she has energy shields to protect her from bombs"
President dirrel is shocked energy shields those exits only in science fiction. Dirrel said"I would like to talk about that." Daniel replied"we need start slow we don't want to overwhelm this world as some of our technology may lead this whole to a nuclear war I don't want that after having our own nuclear war on our earth." President Dirrel said" sorry,I was so excited for your technology but never think of the consequences,now let's enjoy the view as we make our way to the white house."

The journey to america was short due to modern technology the trip only lasted several hours the most troublesome is getting president Daniel through the special region to reach gate earth the trip is mostly uneventful due to huge loss the imperial army suffered.

Washington DC is packed with security to ensure no one with evil intentions act out their evil plans.
As lately china has been very aggressively calling america all kinds of names.

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC president Daniel from fallout america is coming to america to meet up with the president to discuss some form of treaty we are still not sure as the topic is kept a secret and will be revealed in Congress. We will join you right after the break."

President Daniel make his way to the american congress he felt weird to say the least as Washington DC in his world is not what it seems to be anymore just rubble from everywhere from Chinese nukes.

President Daniel to congress and said"I am willing to open up trade with america as we need to jumpstart our economy after the great war which nearly wipe out all human civilization across my world."

A congressman said"What could you offer us?"
Daniel replied"I am hoping you see that,well let me show you." Daniel then displayed a hologram of a Mr handy and said"This a basically a robot to do household chores making the lives of those who owned it a lot easier and have more free time."

A round of shock spread around congress as these robots is only in development as earth robots is still in it's infancy no where near the level of fallout america.
President dirrel asked"is it an ai robot?"
Daniel said"yes, it has a personality of it's own but don't worry it won't turn against humans we have made sure of it as it is made by general atomics."

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,are you seeing this AI robots butler that will do your household chores this will change how we view labor from now on."

Comments section
"Mom,I won't have to do household chores anymore just get this."
"More time to play call of duty modern warfare."
"Does it has weapons?"

Dirrel said"I need to look at the specs and if it passes the safety regulations we have Mr handy will be introduced to a select few americans to try it out after they deemed it good we will mass produced it sell it to all Americans."

Daniel said"Thank you"

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Info on the USS Georgia

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