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"The Alaska talks in Anchorage have resulted in failure, tensions between america and china is at a all time high.Chinese president Dong Dechou said"America can have peace if America does not allow fallout america to join NATO and to stop helping the military of fallout america rebuilt." But all is not lost as tensions between Europe and the middle east had decreased although not by much it is still progress as many of the citizens of Europe and the middle east does not like seeing their nation nuked.But Iran is still threatening Europe and the american continent with nuclear war."-CNN

"This is Sofia from MSNBC many European nations have also sent much support to fallout america to rebuilt her military from the nuclear war as many European nations find it important to ensure that fallout america military is rebuilt as soon as possible so that a part of fallout earth will be secured before moving on to explore the rest of fallout earth.French president macron said"We need to ensure that fallout america is a safe and secure place so we can explore the rest of fallout earth,so we need to secure fallout america first.Fallout america is basically our stepping stones to explore the rest of fallout earth." Many military commanders says that their goal is to hope to restore the north American continent by the end of the decade and used it as a jump of point to explore the rest of fallout earth."-MSNBC

"This is John from fox news,the dust clouds blanketing fallout earth have dropped by a large margin although not completely cleared, sunlight has begin to break through the dust clouds in small amounts, satalite imagery can now see the surface of some of the planet.Due to this fallout america president is expected to give an update on what is happening to the rest of fallout earth.Stay tuned the event will be livestream at the Pentagon."-Fox news

Beijing (secret bunker)

"Damm it,our plans to sabotage the rebuilding process of the fallout US military have failed."President dong Dechou said

"Well,we could report to the world that fallout US troops killed our troops which is a declaration of war."Ali Khamenei said

"Perfect you are going to destroy what is left of our international face.Look many American company due to political pressure have retreated back to america and other nation is following suite as Japan is withdrawing some of it's companies from china as well,this will crash china economy, do you know how hard is it to feed over 1.4 billion people,when the people are hungry,some of them will demand a revolution I can't have that."dong Dechou said

"What should we do now?our attempts have failed,it is only a matter of time before fallout america joins NATO."Kim jong un said

"Don't be so paranoid,most of fallout america military lies in ruins,it will take years for it to rebuilt it."dong Dechou said

"Europe is sending fallout america billions of dollars in terms of aid,not to mention america as well is sending them uncountable amount of weapons as well, it seems that NATO is extremely committed in ensuring that fallout america military regains her pre war might and you know how  powerful is pre war america military they took on your counterpart with the population of 3 billion and won."Ali Khamenei said

"The Iranian leader is correct, fallout america pre war might managed to take on china with a population of 3 billion and managed to sent them reeling despite being outnumbered is quite a feat, many military analysis said that fallout america invasion of fallout china is the greatest military invasion of all time which is being studied by all military commanders of the western world."Kim jong un said

"We need to do something."Ali Khamenei said

"My generals is planning something."Dong Dechou said

Pentagon (gate earth)

"Good evening,I am the president of fallout america.I have satalite imagery which shows what happened to rest of the planet,the dust clouds have begun to clear but not as fast as we hoped but we are still able to see what happened to the planet."President Daniel said

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